Today, October 23, a new power coalition was created in Tapa municipality with four parties, which include representatives of the Estonian Center Party, the Estonian Reform Party, the Estonian Conservative People’s Party and the “Cooperation” Electoral Union. The coalition agreement was signed by Maksim Butšenkov, chairman of the Estonian Central Party’s Tapa department, Reigo Tamm, chairman of the Estonian Reform Party’s Tapa region, Aigar Põder, chairman of the Estonian Conservative People’s Party’s Tapa faction, and Ene Augasmägi, head of the “Koostöö” election association.
The new ruling coalition has 13 seats in the 21-member municipal council of Tapa. The two largest partners of the coalition, the Estonian Central Party and the Estonian Reform Party, each have four seats, the Estonian Conservative People’s Party is represented in the council with three seats, and the electoral alliance “Koostöö” with two seats.
The most important goals of the coalition agreement are improving the municipality’s financial situation with the aim of achieving budget balance, organizing the Tapa municipality’s education network and developing a competitive high school, and improving the availability and quality of Tapa municipality’s cultural and social services. When making investments, it is considered important to involve foreign funding and to cooperate with other authorities (for example, the Estonian Railways, the Ministry of Defense, the Government of the Republic, etc.).
When setting the activities and investments, it was taken into account that the municipality is in a difficult economic situation today, and the plans were realistic, because the next local elections will take place in two years. Efforts are being made to implement the promises of the four election programs, the most important of which are highlighted in the coalition agreement.
In order to bear the responsibility of governance, the four parties share their responsibilities and positions for the years 2023-2025 in the coalition agreement. It was agreed that the position of the chairman of the Tapa municipal council belongs to the Estonian Central Party and the position of mayor belongs to the Estonian Reform Party.
The newly created municipality authority of Tapa municipality asks the representatives of the ready-made union “Valgejõgi”, which has been in power for the past two years, to resign from their elected positions by three o’clock on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, in order to avoid motions of no confidence.
The new leaders of Tapa municipality hope to develop the municipality in a stable, open and community-inclusive manner with the aim of developing all areas.