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A new mobile donation unit will serve the health area of ​​A Coruña

The Minister of Health presents the new unit and highlights the “altruism” of Galicians


The Minister of Health, Julio García Comesaña, presented this Saturday in A Coruña the new mobile blood donation unit, where he highlighted the “altruism” of Galicians and their “excellent” response to the latest calls to donate, “with 400 or 500 daily donations, fundamental”.

Comesaña has been accompanied by the territorial delegate of the Xunta, Gonzalo Trenor; the director of the Organ and Tissue Donation Agency, Marisa López García; the president of the Brotherhood of Blood Donors of A Coruña, José Luis Castillo Couso; and the secretary of the Brotherhood, Miguel Ángel García Caberos.

The head of Sanidade has highlighted the “significant orzamentaria item” that the acquisition of the vehicle has meant, with a value of 324,000 euros, “with which the ADOS mobile fleet is also modernized”. This unit, says Sanidade in a statement, is expected to start providing service next week in the health area of ​​A Coruña.

The Autonomous Government continues with the renovation and modernization of the current ADOS mobile fleet. In 2018, they remember, two new units were acquired, for the areas of Santiago and Pontevedra, for

value of 561,440 euros. Another was later added to the Vigo Area, with an investment of 326,000 euros. And in 2021 the tender for the one to be incorporated into the A Coruña area began for an amount of 324,000.

To this is added the commitment in the 2022 budgets of 360,000 euros for a new mobile unit, destined for Ourense. “In the last four years, 1.5 million euros have been allocated to the renewal of mobile units”, Comesaña stressed in this regard.

The statement also underlines that, according to the latest available data, from 2020, more than 104,000 blood donations were made. Thanks to them, it was possible to attend to 169,849 surgeries and 328 organ transplants and more than 784,000 hospital emergencies.

They also recall that “to strengthen the link between citizenship and public health”, donors will receive a message of thanks at the time their donation is used to treat a Sergas patient.


Those who wish to donate will be able to do so from Monday, February 14 in Betanzos, Bº Monte Alto (A Coruña), Fisterra, Muros, Central Area

(Santiago), Caldas de Reis, IES Ricardo Mella (Vigo), IES María

Soliño (Cangas), Foz, Rúa do Paseo (Ourense), Pobra de Trives.

On Tuesday 15, in Tercio Norte (Ferrol), Betanzos, EU Labor Relations (A Coruña), O Burgo (Culleredo), Negreira, CIFP Coroso (Ribeira), Sanxenxo, CIFP Manuel Antonio (Vigo), Colegio Hogar Afundación (Vigo) , Chantada, IES Lagoa de Antela, IES Antioquia (Xinzo), Rairiz de Veiga.

The next day, Wednesday 16 February, they will be able to approach Plaza de España (Ferrol), A Laracha, Vilaboa, Santa Comba, Plaza Roxa (Santiago), IES Antón Losada (A Estrada), Plaza Herrería (Pontevedra), CIFP Manuel Antonio (Vigo), Colegio Hogar Afundación (Vigo), Praza Maior (Lugo), IES Universidade Laboral (Ourense), Entrimo, Lobios.

On Thursday, in Miño, Carrefour-Alfonso Molina (A Coruña), Laxe, Padrón, Bertamiráns (Ames), GKN DRIVELINE (Vigo), Grupo PSA (Vigo), IES

Fco. Daviña Rey and IES A Pinguela (Monforte), Monforte, Allariz.

On Friday 18 February, there will be units in Bº Inferniño (Ferrol), Canton-Obelisk (A Coruña), Sada, Boiro, Bertamiráns (Ames), Vilagarcía, Ponteareas, Monforte, O Carballiño. And finally, on Saturday, in Sada, Boiro, Vilagarcía, Ponteareas, Palas de Rei.

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