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A new local urban plan in preparation

“The Local Urban Plan (PLU) is the twenty-year-old vision of the village, starting from what it is and projecting what it will become from an urban and heritage point of view without forgetting its natural spaces and mobility issues. “ For the mayor, Patrice Quittard, the site that will begin will be one of the most important of his mandate: “The last plan dates back to 2005. The one we will launch in early 2021 will be operational in four years, it’s a long process but it cannot be reduced given the number of parties and actors involved.”

On October 14, the last municipal council voted to oppose the transfer of its PLU competence to Nîmes Métropole in order to maintain its freedom to organize the communal living environment. It has also forged a partnership with the Nîmes and Alésienne region town planning agency to benefit from its expertise and relations with all partners such as the State, the Region, the Department, etc.

The Poulxois will be consulted

In the first quarter of 2021, the Poulxois will be consulted. Joël Saugues, the urban planning assistant, explains: “It is important from the launch of the project that everyone can express themselves by giving their opinion and making proposals. We cannot do what we want, laws exist above us, such as the Alur law of 2014 which has removed the COS, the floor occupancy coefficient and which has led to a densification of housing. The SRU law also imposes 25% of social housing on us, but we are at 8%. The Scot, the coherence scheme territorial, sets the number of inhabitants per hectare, without forgetting the local habitat plan of the agglomeration of Nîmes or our membership in the Natura 2000 network. But the Poulxois have their say in the context of a real consultation that we hope will be constructive. “

A partly extra-municipal commission will also be set up, as much to centralize the proposals as to make them. All areas will be covered: agricultural areas, commercial areas, networks and infrastructure, building construction and green spaces.

A long-term work of several years which will end with a three-month public inquiry so that the new PLU is operational in 2025.

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