Some time ago, Krzysztof Stanowski announced on the X portal a new format on Channel Zero, in which specialists will talk about the most important battles in the history of Poland and the world. The first two episodes are already available on the YouTube channel.
“Battles: Campaigns of War” – a new format on Channel Zero
In the first episode Wojciech Zalewski i Dr. Łukasz Przybyło discuss the Battle of the Bzura from the September Campaign of 1939 – the largest battle during this campaign. The Polish Army then unexpectedly attacked the German army and it was the longest-fought battle at that time.
In the second episode Wojciech Zalewski and Dr. Łukasz Przybyło invited to the program Gen. Rajmund Andrzejczakto jointly analyze the Battle of Mokra, which went down in history as one of the first clashes during World War II on Polish soil.
Historical topics are also raised in Kanał Zero, among others. in debates, format Jarosław Wolski “Military Zero” or “Ground Zero” of the general Rajmund T. Andrzejczak and Sławomir Dębski.
Viewers of Stanowski and Mazurek quickly collected 350,000. zloty
A year ago, in an extremely exciting episode on Channel Sportowy, Stanowski and Mazurek presented the story of an elderly woman and her husband who, after 3.5 years of struggle, obtained custody of their grandchildren. The court ordered their house to be renovated by the end of the year so that the children could remain in the family. Thanks to the exceptional generosity of viewers, the designated amount of PLN 350,000 was collected. PLN in just 13 hours!
You can read more about this great campaign here:
Source: Wirtualne Media
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