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A new event scheduled for Thursday in Dijon

Several unions, including FO, are calling for a demonstration once again on Thursday 27 October

Credit: K6FM illustration photo

Below is the press release of the inter-union CGT, FO, FSU and Solidaires de Côte d’Or:

If the CEO of Total Energie is “tired” of the controversy over his salary, let him come down to earth.

The contempt of employers to the end

In a tweet, the boss of the giant CAC 40 justifies his increase … Poor fellow, he only earns 3600 minimum wages a year! This affront is a new provocation against the refinery strikers after an attempt to discredit their movement and a sham deal.

But insolence rekindles the stars

The mobilization of October 18, built of urgency, was a call to the air. On that day and in the following days the general assemblies of companies and public services multiplied. The expression of wage claims is also intensifying in workplaces where trade union presence is modest. Hundreds of employees react, organize and propose mobilizations. Mobilizations and strikes for wage and pension increases. Employees of a large number of professional sectors have been mobilizing for months in their companies or services to ask for and obtain legitimate wage increases, better working conditions, quality jobs in refineries, agri-food, crèches, public transport, energy and nuclear, organizations social security, bank-insurance, IT services, industrial maintenance, education, health, commerce, metallurgy …

Expectation expressed is high, particularly with regard to trade unions. In this context, the unions of Côte d’Or CGT, FSU, Solidaires and FO are calling for the continuation and extension of the mobilizations, in particular around two new national days of action on 27 October and 10 November. On 27 October and 10 November, everywhere in France, let’s mobilize in companies and services.

October 27 in Dijon from 12:00 to 14:00 in front of the prefecture. The terms of the interunion will be communicated later on 10 November.

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