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a new drug will be tested in Rivna

Residents of Rivne are offered to take part in clinical trials of a new vaccine against coronavirus. What kind of this drug is not yet known. Volunteers will be paid for participation.

According to Oleg Shram, the head physician of the Central Medical Center, a total of 1,000 people are looking for participation, a hundred have already agreed to investigate the drug, reports “Exact media“.

The amount that will be paid to Ukrainians for vaccine research, he said, will be eight thousand hryvnia. In addition, they will be given another 1,300 hryvnia of transportation costs.

The experiment, Shram said, will be handled by a team of six employees at the institution, and the institution itself has received a certificate to participate in the study. It will receive from 100 to 200 thousand hryvnia for the purchase of medical equipment.

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Almost nothing is known about the drug that volunteers can vaccinate. The company that commissioned the study will supply the vaccine to US citizens, Schram said.

So, as part of the study, some patients will be injected with fake drugs. All will be closely monitored by a doctor throughout the year. They will undergo a free comprehensive study. The life and health of each volunteer will be insured. They all have to sign the agreement.

Conditions for participation:

  • not be vaccinated;

  • not get sick with COVID-19 in the last six months;

  • do not take immunosuppressants;

  • pregnant women and children cannot participate.

  • There is no age limit.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, the head of the Ministry of Health Viktor Lyashko said that the first Ukrainian vaccine against coronavirus will leave the lines already in 2022… Its manufacture is carried out at one of the enterprises in Kharkov.

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