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A new discovery traces a possible approach to the end of planet Earth

Astronomers have identified, for the first time, a distant planet perilously close to its star, which could cause the Earth to say goodbye after billions of years.

Possible end of planet Earth

And astronomers have discovered for the first time a distant planet that is perilously close to its aging star, according to a study whose results were published on Monday.Planet Earth.

Located 2,600 light-years from Earth, Kepler-1658b is a Jupiter-sized exoplanet.

But unlike this gas giant farthest from the sun, Kepler-1658b orbits its star only one-eighth the distance that separates our sun from Mercury, the closest planet.

The study, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, indicated that this “hot buyer” orbits its star in less than three days, and this rotation period is shrinking by about 131 milliseconds per year.

“At this rate, the planet will collide with its star in less than three million years,” said lead author of the study Shreyas Visapragada of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

“This is the first time we’ve seen direct evidence of a planet moving in a spiral path around its aging star,” the astrophysicist told AFP.

The star in question is late in its cycle, when it begins to swell and get brighter.

Kepler-1658b’s orbit is inexorably shrinking under the influence of the star’s gravity, similar to severity It is exercised from the Moon to various points on the Earth.

This effect called tidal force can completely attract two objects.

It can also push them away from each other, for example, the moon is very slowly moving away from the Earth in a spiral path.

Will our planet experience the same process of disintegration?

“The death of a planet to a star is a fate that awaits many worlds,” the Astrophysics Center wrote in a statement.

And the center added in its statement that it could cause the Earth to say goodbye after billions of years as it continues to revolve around the sun.

In five billion years, the sun will become a “red giant” that will grow exponentially, just like the host star of Kepler-1658b.

Similar to this exoplanet, Earth can come inexorably close the sun under the influence of tidal forces.

But this effect may also be offset by the sun’s mass loss, says Shreyas Visapragadhan.

He points out that “Earth’s ultimate fate is not yet clear.”

Kepler-1658b was the first exoplanet to be detected by the Kepler space telescope, in 2009.

For the past 13 years, scientists have observed the slow but steady change in the planet’s orbit as it passes in front of its host star.

Finding it surprisingly bright compared to other exoplanets, they had long speculated that it reflected starlight particularly well.

But they now believe Kepler-1658b is hotter than expected due to the star’s gravity.

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