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A new deputy general manager for the city of Sérignan.


Cédric Moulin-Renault, 46, took up his new role this week. He is the new Deputy Director General of the City of Sérignan, in charge of finance and human resources. He replaces François Guiter, who for his part managed to land a post of general manager in a municipality in the Eastern Pyrenees.

Cédric has been living in the Béziers since 2015: this official from Ile de France wanted to live in the Hérault, there were family ties and when he was younger, he spent his holidays there. It’s done, married, happy, he lives and works where he wished.

On the professional side, for 26 years, he alternated positions in local authorities and in Ministries. He was Director General of Services for a new urban area support municipality of nearly 10,000 inhabitants in Seine et Marne, and most recently, he headed the municipal services of Villeneuve-lès-Béziers for 6 years. If his specialties are initially legal issues and public contracts, his management functions have given him a versatility that allows him today to calmly deal with finances and human resources.

Cédric is enthusiastic about joining the town hall of Sérignan, his experience will be invaluable to our city so dynamic and so touristy. He wants to make financial questions more readable, more accessible for the population: where public money comes from, and where it goes.

You will meet him during major events in the City and at each Municipal Council.

We welcome Cédric Moulin-Renault!

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