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A new blow to the pocket – shrinkage. What does it mean?

High inflation affects not only the portfolio, but also the size of the packaging with which we leave the supermarket.

U.S. scientists have been observing the so-called “Shrink inflation” among the world’s largest food producers.

“Several months ago, we warned about the phenomenon of” shrinkage inflation “, which began a process of weight loss. So far, we do not think it is very popular, but rather single products, but the risk remains, “Bogomil Nikolov, chairman of the Active Consumers Association, told bTV.

According to him, traders are tempted to resort to this method, because releasing a smaller weight at the same price misleads consumers that there is no change in the value of the goods they buy.

“This is the insidiousness of such an approach. Fortunately, it is not so easy for this to happen, “Nikolov said.

He gave the example of jars and bottles. To reduce the weight by 50 g, for example, completely new jars must be ordered. From there, the way of packaging, transportation, etc. changes.

“For other products – legumes, spaghetti, waffles – such a change is much easier,” said Bogomil Nikolov. He advised consumers to look more carefully when shopping.

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