Home » today » World » A new birth of the Church? Hopefully! – 2024-08-06 00:21:06

A new birth of the Church? Hopefully! – 2024-08-06 00:21:06

/ world today news/ I admit that I was surprised by the reaction of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the occasion of the pederasty Istanbul Convention. Not that I did not expect the Fathers to declare themselves against this creation of Satan! No, but I thought the tone would again be soft, gentle, and delicate enough, as it has been on a number of other occasions in recent years. This time, I confess, our Holy Orthodox Church surprised me, so surprised me that I even admired the courage of our Church Clergy! I even admired, to put it mildly, because with their words and actions they gave rise to the hope in me that our Holy Church will finally take its rightful place in the affairs of the people!…

I say hope because, unfortunately, not always in history has our Church been able to be the much expected Spiritual Leader. In the distant, dark and painful centuries and years of the Middle Ages for the Bulgarian “ordinary” people, our Church served the ideologically powerful worldly “elites” rather than listening to the sufferings of the people and becoming a Spiritual Leader of the suffering rural masses. Patriarch Euthymius and the several famous Bulgarian Saints are rather the exception than the rule – the rule, already imposed by the Son of God, that His Orthodox Church and its Ministers should always be on the side of the people and help them cope with their troubles. Yes, during the centuries in the Ottoman Empire, the Church defended the preservation of the Bulgarian and Orthodox identity of our ancestors, but after the restoration of statehood through the Third Bulgarian Kingdom, the ruling atheists forgot all this, and even one Zahari Stoyanov will exclaim: “Enough with this Orthodoxy!” … So that the glorious moment will come around the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews, in which the Bulgarian Orthodox Church will categorically slap another corrupt political “elite” and, together with its people, will carry out its historic work! As strange as it may sound to today’s illiterate anti-communists, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church preserved itself even during socialism, although according to ideological postulates it was turned into a voiceless letter… But even at the beginning of the “democratic transition”, the new liberal barbarians tried to destroy what neither the Ottoman Empire could nor the “totalitarian regime” succeeded in – to completely wipe out Orthodoxy on Bulgarian soil!… The Holy Bulgarian Orthodox Church also resisted this obscurantist pro-Bulgarian “democratic thrust” in order to slowly but firmly , to rise and stand firmly on his feet! And let the moment come when he stands with his people again, slapping today’s corrupt power “elite” who, in order to please the bosses from Brussels, is ready to become a conduit of Satan! This is a Historical Moment for both the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Bulgarian People, who found themselves together again through each other! If, God willing, this union will strengthen and become a permanent reciprocity, there will be no power to destroy it!

Praise also to Father Dionysius, who, certainly inspired by God, called for the categorical anathema, excommunication and non-admission to the Orthodox Temples of all corrupt authorities who, in the name of Brussels approval, intend to support or, like those grubby ministers, have already supported the Satanic Convention !…

This is the Way, this is the Way, through which the revived Bulgarian Orthodox Church will finally become what the Bulgarian People expect – to become its Spiritual Leader, because the Bulgarian people, although put by the corrupt rulers in the conditions to survive miserably, what they need most is a Spiritual Leader, from the spiritual orientations of Orthodoxy, who will restore their faith in their own strength!

And finally, but not least – by becoming the true Spiritual Leader, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church together with its people will be able to realize the covenantal meaning of our Bulgarian Christian existence – to understand that we, the Orthodox Bulgarians, are our own Civilization, which has nothing in common with Western civilization, which is drowning in sins! Let us understand that we, the Orthodox Bulgarians, do not need to constantly make new and new “civilizational choices”, because we ourselves are the Historical Subject of Civilization – the Civilization of the Cyrillic alphabet and the resulting Orthodoxy!!!

May God protect Bulgaria, the Holy Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the proud Bulgarian People!!!


* Prof. Ludmil Georgiev was born on July 23, 1960 in the town of Trun, Pernishka region. In 1985, he graduated from SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” with a first major in psychology and a second major in philosophy. Since 1988, he has been a regular assistant at SU. In 1990, he became a doctor of sociology, and in 1999 – a doctor of psychological sciences.

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