Fighting antibiotic resistance. The campaign ‘Diagnostics and prevention: medicine, institutions, business, together for the health of citizens’ continues in Lazio, promoted by AMCLI ETS, Cittadinanzattiva, Federchimica Assobiotec and Diasorin, the aim of which is to inform and raise awareness of some problems concerning infectious diseases, both already known such as antibiotic resistance, and others that have returned to have an important relevance after the pandemic, such as latent tuberculosis and maternal-fetal infections.
The alarm over antibiotic resistance is growing: in one year 35,000 deaths in Europe
by Valeria Pini

A public discussion open to all, dedicated to the first theme Antibiotic resistance, will be held on Tuesday 9 April at 2.30 pm, at the Roma Eventi Congress Center, in Piazza della Pilotta 4. Speakers will include, among others: Massimo Andreoni, Clinica di Infectious Diseases Tor Vergata University, Rome; Maurizio Sanguinetti, Department of Laboratory and Infectious Sciences of the A. Gemelli University Hospital IRCCS – Rome Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome and Claudio Mastroianni, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome.
Antibiotic resistance: every age has its own bacterium
by Celeste Ottaviani

In Italy, according to national data collected from institutional sources, the percentages of antibiotic resistance of some bacteria and other pathogens still remain high. Pathogens which at a European level are directly or indirectly responsible for over thirty-five thousand deaths a year, a third of which in our country. In fact, antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause serious infections, even in hospital settings, often fatal for patients, which in any case require more complex and expensive therapeutic interventions. This results in an increase in spending and a significant economic impact on the healthcare system.
Second Massimo Andreoni, Infectious Diseases Clinic of Tor Vergata University “Even in Lazio the data on infections from pathogens resistant to antimicrobials are no better than the national ones recorded by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. In a survey carried out in November 2022 on behalf of the ECDC at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic, it emerged that 34% of patients in intensive care, 16% of patients in the medical area and 9% of patients in the surgical area had a related infection to assistance from multi-resistant germs. Furthermore, out of 1612 bacteremias recorded in 2022, 35% were due to gram negative germs and of these approximately 50% were multi-resistant to antibiotics. Data on which to reflect and act even more intensely with specific and system programs.”
The appeal: “Reward new antibiotics like orphan drugs”
by Elvira Naselli

Prevention, also implemented through specialized diagnostic solutions, is a recognized intervention that is becoming increasingly functional to ensure health, optimize the use of resources and to allow the sustainability objectives to which national health systems are called to be achieved. The Diagnostics and Prevention information campaign deals with all this; it was in fact created in partnership between AMCLI ETS, Cittadinanzattiva, Federchimica Assobiotec and Diasorin (the Italian multinational specialized in advanced diagnostics), and has the aim of bringing information and discussion elements to citizens, institutions and healthcare organizations to create “online” programs specifically aimed at combating infectious diseases. The campaign is divided into information days and round tables, which will take place first in regional capitals such as Turin, Rome, Milan, Bari and Naples and subsequently in other locations.
Participation in sessions such as the next one in Rome is free to access and aimed at all citizens, healthcare workers, associations and institutions who want to learn more about aspects of the problem and be more consciously active in control and contrast initiatives.
AMCLI ETS – Association of Italian Clinical Microbiologists – was established in 1970 and is divided into regional delegations. The scientific association is based in Milan and is currently chaired by prof. Pierangelo Clerici, Director of the Microbiology Unit of ASST West Milanese, Legnano. Among the statutory purposes of AMCLI, the development of Clinical Microbiology. One of the peculiarities of the scientific society is to operate through working groups on specific subjects of interest. RUNTS registration No. 26168
Federchimica Assobiotec – National association of Federchimica for the development of biotechnology, represents around 130 companies and technological and scientific parks operating in Italy in the various biotech application sectors: health, agriculture, environment and industrial processes. The Association brings together different entities – in terms of size and sector of activity – which find a strong cohesion in the vocation for innovation and in the use of biotech technology: a strategic lever for development in all industrial fields and a concrete response to increasingly urgent needs level of public health, environmental care, agriculture and nutrition. Its mission is to encourage and support biotechnological innovation for the creation of value by promoting opportunities for economic and employment growth as well as cultural and scientific development for the country.
Cittadinanzattiva – It is an organisation, founded in 1978, which promotes citizen activism for the protection of rights, the care of common goods, and the support of people in weak conditions. Cittadinanzattiva deals with Health, with the Court for the Rights of the Patient and the National Coordination of the Associations of the Chronic Sick (CnAMC), with consumer policies and public utility services, with the Citizens’ Prosecutors, with Justice and with Justice for the rights, deals with schools, with the School of active citizenship of European Citizenship, then with Active Citizenship Network of Evaluation of the quality of services from the point of view of citizens, and also deals with the reform of institutions with the Civic Evaluation Agency , transparency of administrations, fight against corruption and waste, health and environment, livability and urban decorum, finally corporate citizenship.
Diasorin, an Italian multinational company listed on the FTSE MIB index, is a global leader in the field of In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) and since 2021 has also been active internationally in the Life Science sector. For over 50 years, the Company has developed, manufactured and marketed reagent kits used by diagnostic laboratories around the world. The Group is present on 5 continents with 35 companies, 4 branches, 10 production sites and 9 research centers. The wide range of diagnostic tests and Life Science solutions, made available through continuous investments in research, positions Diasorin as the player with the widest range of specialty solutions available in the sector and identifies the Group as the “Diagnostics Specialist”.
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– 2024-04-06 01:37:49