Home » today » News » A Netflix film shot in Chartres, passing of arms to the Châteaudun City Council, Freemasons in the Drouais… The indiscretions of the week in Eure-et-Loir

A Netflix film shot in Chartres, passing of arms to the Châteaudun City Council, Freemasons in the Drouais… The indiscretions of the week in Eure-et-Loir

The departmental council of Eure-et-Loir, meeting in plenary assembly Monday morning, completed its allocation of subsidies to local cultural associations. Some requests had remained in abeyance during the vote on the original budget, and have since been adjusted, in particular that of the Friends of Compa to whom the departmental council allocated €5,000 as operating aid. “Them, they are not my friends”, reacted Claude Térouinard, departmental adviser of Brou and former president of the Department, who attended the session by videoconference. “I would like to know how much they spent on heating old tractors and agricultural machinery this winter (the museum run by the Department has been closed since March 2020, editor’s note). Claude Térouinard, despite everything, voted for the deliberation to avoid penalizing the other associations benefiting from a subsidy: the Society of Friends of Marcel Proust and Friends of Combray (€10,000), Friends of the Château de Maintenon (€15,000 ) and Friends of La Ferté-Vidame (€7,000).

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Full box, this is the title of the film which will be shot, in part, in the kitchens of the CFA Interpro in Chartres. A film which will be broadcast on the Netflix platform and whose main actors are Raphaël Quanard, Igor Gotesman and Agathe Rouselle. The production company 24 25 Films will arrive at the Apprentice Training Center for thirteen hours of filming on Saturday July 16. The Museum of Fine Arts in Chartres must also host some scenes. The film will notably address the importance of Cosmetic Valley in Chartres.

While it should be unveiled by the start of the school year, the Dreux cultural season promises great events in very different genres in order to satisfy all audiences. The opening will be with a concert by Michel Jonasz. Will follow in particular the comedian Bun Hay Mean, Francis Huster… and Stéphane Plaza, in a room on the boulevard. Photo Thierry Lindauer

Pass of arms

The opposition of Châteaudun said it was “scandalized”, Wednesday evening, by “the unpreparedness”, according to it, of the Municipal Council. “Documents were given to us on the evening of the commission and the day before tonight’s meeting,” lamented Sid-Ahmed Rouidi, who was first deputy to Alain Venot, the former mayor. “You are showing great contempt for the minority and part of the Dunois by acting in this way”, added Christophe Seigneuret, of the Châteaudun pour tous group, before brandishing the four A4 format pages which were given on Tuesday evening to the minority and included the main budget 2021 and the additional budgets. “Faced with such cynicism, I return these pages to you. You will take good care to recycle them since you are very attached to ecology! The elected official got up and threw the pages on the table of the mayor (SE), Fabien Verdier. “There is never anything on the front lines with you. You talk to say nothing as usual, quipped Fabien Verdier. You had five six days and you did not give any figures. Nothing. Nothingness. It reminds me of the book by the great thinker Gilles Lipovetsky, The era of emptiness, written in the 80s. You are right in it. You haven’t said anything, so there’s nothing to say. »

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Tweet of the week

“Immense emotion. Thank you to my colleagues for their confidence which honors me. At work ! For the French people ! “tweeted Aurore Bergé, MP for the 10th constituency of Yvelines (Rambouillet), after being elected president of the Renaissance group (ex-LREM) in the National Assembly.

Donkeys named after…

Francine and Patrick Violas are the founders of the zoo-refuge La Tanière, in Nogent-le-Phaye, which has just welcomed fifty donkeys from the refuge of Sharon Cohen, in Israel, who saved them from trafficking and abuse. As a symbolic nod to the commitment of the Violas, the Israeli and the volunteers of her sanctuary, which will be able to accommodate other animals in need thanks to the freed up space, named two donkeys from their refuge, Francine and Patrick. These little ones met their Eurelian godfathers last week when they came to pick up the fifty donkeys.

Saved from abuse and trafficking, 50 donkeys have joined the zoo-refuge La Tanière, near Chartres: video story of a journey from Israel

Freemasons at the CND

The Écluzelles lake has been trying for years to attract a new public and wants to be an asset for tourism. While waiting to see the Ile-de-France residents disembark to discover the Maison de la nature or take a sailing course, it is the Freemasons who invest the Drouais Nautical Center to hold their meetings there. An unusual and somewhat unexpected setting. But after all, perhaps we think better with our feet in the water and our heads in nature.

By bike with JPP

Jean-Pierre Papin will leave the football fields for the little queen, one of his favorite hobbies today in the Northern Alps. The C’Chartres Football coach is organizing the 13th edition of the Cyclo “JPP – Neuf de coeur”, the name of his charity which helps families of brain-injured children. Nearly a thousand participants are expected for the good cause and the 1991 Ballon d’Or will set an example. He will be in the middle of the pack on the 100 km course. A good way to stay in shape before attacking the next N2 season with Chartres.

Dunois Flea Markets

Julien Cohen took part, on Friday evening, in the opening of the first edition of the Medieval dunes of iron and fire, which succeeds the traditional Fair of wool, in Châteaudun, as godfather and guest of honor.

premium The Châteaudun Medieval continues until Sunday evening in the city center

The media entrepreneur hopes to open his “4th or even 5th” Maison des brocanteurs at the Hôtel-Dieu, in a year. “Everything is on the way, but it’s not at home yet,” he said. The sale is pending the opinion of the sub-prefecture. Julien Cohen, who does not intend to spend more than €280,000 to buy the Hôtel-Dieu, continues to unite around him, “a certain number of second-hand goods dealers and craftsmen. They will carry, themselves, the voice of Châteaudun from right to left. A second-hand dealer from Châteaudun, Sandrine Laget, has also taken up a stand at the Maison des Brocanteurs which has just opened in Avallon (Yonne), while waiting for the opening of the one in Châteaudun. It’s very positive. She is also very nice and I am very happy to have her.

premium The media entrepreneur Julien Cohen buys the Hôtel-Dieu in Châteaudun: “If we don’t want to sell it to me for €280,000, it doesn’t matter, we’ll move on”


For opponents of the installation of a biogas plant in Nonvilliers-Grand’houx, the news smells like a victory: the Bonneval Beauce and Perche cooperative has decided to halt its construction and operation projects for methanizers with regard to the current context. A letter sent by the cooperative society to its members, last week, indicates: “The board of directors has decided to stop the two ongoing methanation projects. The Ukrainian crisis has indeed upset the economic data of these projects, the profitability of which is no longer guaranteed…” On the side of the elected representatives of the municipalities impacted by these projects, we assure “remain mobilized so that the interests of our fellow citizens continue to be heard. “.

On the go

A page is about to be turned in the services of the City of Dreux: Wabai Yanga-Kanda, financial director since the time of Gérard Hamel and who survived the change of mayor, is about to leave. Nothing has been announced officially but the news has become an open secret. Wabaï Yanga-Kanda wants to set up his own microcredit company “and work a little for me”. Budget presentations will no longer be punctuated with little poetic phrases or popular maxims that have made the reputation of the financial director of the City of Dreux.


The plenary session of the county council on Monday morning ended with the unanimous vote of a motion to ask the government not to abolish the regulated gas tariff. A motion which will not be the last since the president, Christophe Le Dorven, has announced that he will propose another, during the next session, scheduled for September, to “defend stained glass and glass craftsmen following the announcement banning the use of lead.

The editorial staff of L’Echo Répulicain

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