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a National Olympiad Commission in all specialties

ALGIERS – The Minister of National Education, Mohamed Ouadjaout, reported on Saturday in Algiers, the creation of a National Olympiad Commission in all specialties, including mathematics, in order to support the school elites.

During a ceremony to honor the winners of the National Mathematics Competition, on the eve of International Mathematics Day, Mr. Ouadjaout said that in the context of the interest given to the teaching and learning of mathematics in the three levels of education, the Ministry of National Education has taken “a set of measures, including the creation of a National Olympiad Commission at the level of the National Institute for Educational Research (INRE) in all specialties , especially mathematics “.

Underlining the official installation of this Commission in view of its importance in supporting school elites, the Minister cited, among other measures, the creation of an electronic platform dedicated to competence, called “ك YCAE Tech”.

This platform will allow, a first in the sector, all the skills of the ministry to “contribute to the development of the various creative fields in Education, including the teaching and learning of mathematics, to which a great place has been given in the action program of the sector, in view of the close link of this field with the aspects of the daily life of the individual and his activities “, indicated the first person in charge of the sector.

We often record unsatisfactory results in this subject and a lack of interest or even a refusal to move towards mathematics courses, in the context of difficulties and challenges facing the reality of its teaching and learning in the different levels in Algeria, and in the rest of the countries of the world, lamented the minister.

Referring to the competition organized on the occasion of the International Day of Mathematics, the Minister indicated that it aims to “encourage participants to adhere to the approach of scientific contributions and that the test of the first competition intended for students is held in two parts, one remotely (electronic) and the other face-to-face (written), with a national participation rate in the three levels of 95.60%.

During this ceremony enhanced by the presence of the Minister of Vocational Training and Education, Hoyam Benfriha and several executives from the education and higher education sectors, prizes were awarded to the three winners of the competition. scientist from the three teaching cycles, from the wilayas of Tizi Ouzou, Biskra and Batna.

Read also: Intense efforts to promote mathematics education programs

Inspectors and teachers were also recognized for their efforts within the framework of the national competition “competence-mathematics”. *

The award ceremony was also marked by the organization of workshops on mental and rapid arithmetic and mathematics, in addition to interventions on mathematics, technology and finance and presentations on the International Computing Olympiad and the competition. national scientist “competence-mathematics”.

An exhibition on the stages of the operation of elaboration and publication of the mathematics book in Algeria in terms of form and content was organized by the National School Book Office.

The Ministry of National Education had organized, last February, the national mathematics competition under the theme “Mathematics, for a better world”, in which participated a total of 750 students from the three cycles of education and this within the framework of International Mathematics Day celebrated on March 14 each year.

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