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A mysterious disease strikes Ethiopia and causes death .. Is it what the global health warned about

While the world is busy with the Corona virus and seeking to get rid of it and discover a cure for it, there is a mysterious disease that kills Ethiopians of all ages, and has no cure, and this disease was known as “X, Which was clarified by a WHO doctor in 2018.

The report, published on ” dailystar“A fatal, mysterious and terrifying disease kills villagers in Ethiopia and it could be” the disease X“Damn, this disease is indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO) She described it as a new, unknown disease that could cause a pandemic.

And the report added, “Illness.”X“Its symptoms are similar to Crimean fever, hemorrhagic Congo and bleeding eye fever, and it caused exposure of people with bleeding from the eye, mouth, anus and nose,” he noted, noting that this heinous disease, called “bleeding eye fever”, has a higher mortality rate than the plague virus, and medical professionals have been perplexed by medical professionals. Over the past two years, now Ethiopia has been grappling with similar horrific symptoms.

Body swelling is a symptom of a mysterious disease in Ethiopia

The newspaper “The Guardian” that one of the victim of an illness “XHe is 23 years old, and his eye weight has changed and became yellow, before he started bleeding from his nose and mouth and his body was swollen, and he died later after the body collapsed with a fever, i.e. high body temperature, and the newspaper added that he suffered many of his neighbors from the same Symptoms and some of them died.

Among the other victims, the newspaper said, among the other victims was a two-year-old boy in Harcad, Ethiopia, who died despite receiving multiple blood transfusions during a one-month hospital stay, and he also had yellow eyes, swelling, and fever.

The Guardian explained that the mysterious disease is spreading through villages near a Chinese natural gas project in the Somali region, and some local residents believe that dangerous chemical waste has poisoned the water supply, however government officials denied these allegations, saying that there were no reports of any Leaks.

Ketsila Tadese told the Guardian newspaper: We can conclusively confirm that all gas wells in Kalop and anywhere in the Ogaden basin are closed, safe and secure, according to international standards.

“It is not just one case and so we need to be prepared, and we need to invest in platform technologies that can be used to quickly respond to the emergence of pathogenic pathogens,” said Richard Hatchett, chief executive of the Epidemic Preparedness Innovation Coalition.

Mysterious disease in Ethiopia
Mysterious disease in Ethiopia

In the same context, the British newspaper “Daily Mail” published that there are many people who suffer from a mysterious disease in Ethiopia, which causes the victim to bleed from the nose and mouth and then ends up with death, and the likely cause of this is the toxic waste resulting from oil exploration operations.

The British newspaper revealed that it is one of the most prominent symptoms of the mysterious disease:

Extremely high body temperature.

Swelling of the body

Change the color of the eyes to become yellow.

Lack of appetite.


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