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A myriad of health benefits of garlic, contain vitamin C.

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. If you are looking for natural ingredients that have many properties, garlic is the answer. The benefits of garlic come from the various nutrients contained in it. Starting from vitamin C, manganese, antioxidants, and so on.

Quoting from Health Grades (healthgrades.com), consuming garlic can relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. This means that these natural ingredients are suitable to be used as natural hypertension drugs.

Apart from lowering high blood pressure, there are many other benefits you can get from consuming garlic. You can mix garlic with other nutritious foods so that your overall health can be maintained.

Strengthens Bones

By consuming garlic regularly, the amount of estrogen in the body will increase. This affects bone density in women who have experienced menopause. This means that garlic can reduce the risk of osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

Try to consume garlic along with other food sources that are beneficial for your bone condition. For example, dairy products, green vegetables, nuts, or fish.

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Lowers cholesterol

Not only useful as a hypertension drug, garlic can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the amount of cholesterol. You can get the benefits of garlic if you eat it regularly. So, try to include it in your healthy menu every day.

Treating Flu

Health Grades says that garlic can boost the body’s immune system. This means that you can reduce the severity and duration of your flu. A study showed the participants’ risk of experiencing the flu fell by 63% after taking garlic supplements regularly.

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Maintain Healthy Skin

The next benefit of garlic that you should not forget is that natural ingredients are able to maintain the health of your skin. Its antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties can treat various skin problems that you experience.

If you have a lot of acne, try rubbing raw garlic into the acne-prone areas. The goal is that the bacteria that cause acne can be reduced. However, you need to be careful if you want to do this, especially for those with sensitive skin types.

It doesn’t stop there, the antioxidants in garlic are useful for fighting free radical attacks. So, the appearance of signs of aging on the skin, such as wrinkles and dark spots, can be reduced.


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Editor: Belladina Biananda

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