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A must-have new type of electronic mustard “started!”New Life” Charging for Happiness_Guangming.com

On February 5th, the talk show “Work Started!” was produced by iQiyi, produced by Xiaoguo Culture, and sponsored by 58 Tongcheng. New Life” is exclusively broadcast on iQiyi. The program brings together a host of talk show celebrities such as He Guangzhi, Li Dan, Meng Chuan, Tuti, Wang Jianguo, Wang Mian, Xiaojia, Niaoniao, etc., focusing on young people’s anxiety about starting work, starting goals, starting plans, etc. It output hilarious views on hot topics in various aspects, presenting an exclusive carnival feast for the whole network of migrant workers.

After the program was broadcast, its exciting content accurately hit the public slots, quickly aroused social resonance, and continued to ferment on the Internet platform. #何广智用持换红庄穿问风圈#, #李丹说王江国新年开始要生活#, #鸟鸟because李午人设货归# and a series of famous hilarious scenes quickly landed on the hot search, bringing the audience To many laughs. Many netizens left messages saying, “”Start Work! New Life” cured my ‘Start Work Syndrome'”.

Accurate analysis of public psychology!

“start work! “New Life” leads the migrant workers over the “start-up hurdle”

Smile to welcome the start of work and start a new life. “start work! The popular broadcast of “New Life” not only accompanied the public to spend a relaxed and joyful Lantern Festival, but also ignited a strong atmosphere of joyful start of work across the Internet. And if we want to study why the program can get such a strong response in the society, its profound insight into the psychology of the public is undoubtedly an important reason.

As a talk show aimed at bringing happiness to migrant workers and accompanying them to start a new life, “Work Started!” “New Life” directs the offensive “spearhead” at the most concerned and sensitive start-up issues that the audience is most concerned about. “In order to start work as soon as possible, some companies will give out red envelopes to clear up some temptations to start work.” He Guangzhi interpreted the start-up red envelopes, directly poking at the pain points of the public. “Start-up flag” is a hot discussion topic in the 2023 start-up season. Meng Chuan and Xiaojia used talk shows to dismantle and answer sharply-“The goal is definitely a problem of the goal” and “The start-up goal should be set, not necessary not realized”. All the talk show actors used humor to express the “difficult and miscellaneous diseases” of starting work in the show, and spoke out for the migrant workers as migrant workers, which not only successfully built a bridge of empathy and resonance between the program and the audience, but also greatly stimulated the audience’s interest in the program. own enthusiasm.

“start work! New Life was launched on the first weekend after the start of work, and helped the audience laugh in a sharp and humorous way, precisely because of its keen ability to capture public emotions. In the program, with the continuous throwing of hilarious jokes such as “He Guangzhi practiced hard to buy a red carpet for walking on the red carpet”, “Li Dan joked about being called a drunkard by netizens”, “Wang Jianguo sent the refrigerator back to the northeast of the year”, and the fun game segment “He Guangzhi Live With the continuous production of jokes such as “walking the red carpet” and “Li Dan’s transformation into a ‘red shrimp head'”, the happy start-up atmosphere on the scene gradually reached a climax, and the accumulated work fatigue of the public was also maximized. After the program was broadcast, it not only encouraged the public to face the new year and new life with a full face, but also helped migrant workers across the network to truly complete the transition from “holiday mode” to “start-up mode”.

It is worth mentioning that the setting of the red envelope delivery link on the show also added a lot of fun and sense of ceremony for the audience to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new life of starting work. Best ‘Charging’ Variety Show!”

Use a talk show to cure the start-to-work syndrome!

iQiyi opens up a new track for variety shows and continues to increase happiness

“start work! “New Life” not only brings the audience shallow emotional relief, but also embeds the guests’ personal perception of real life into the jokes, giving the program more depth and warmth, and in the process of creating jokes, It provides a set of effective starting methods for the workers.

In the program, Li Dan used the homophonic stalk of “I will not look back when I start work” to encourage migrant workers to be decisive in starting work, and set off when they are ready; My own thoughts on starting work and a new life: Only by daring to try can you open the door to a new life; behind Wang Mian’s ridicule of “If you want to retire and go fishing, you can only work while retiring” is the idea that “rest is for A better start” interpretation; Niao Niao’s healing interpretation of New Year’s planning and anxiety is also of great value for young people who are trapped by the goal of starting work: “My biggest goal this year is to be satisfied with myself, Although I may be anxious again at the end of the year and have not completed anything, but it has nothing to do with me now.”

All in all, in the start-of-the-work season full of anxiety, worry and fatigue, the iQIYI talk show “Work Started!” The launch of “New Life” has undoubtedly injected a powerful “heart booster” into the whole network.

“start work! The popular broadcast of “New Life” is iQIYI’s successful scene exploration in the field of talk shows, and it is also a new advancement of the platform in the variety show track. The program extends the scene of “starting work” to the variety show stage, with the theme of “starting work with a smile and starting a new life”, and through the form of talk show with emotional catharsis, it creates a good show with resonance and empathy. The content has successfully triggered the echoes of the circle in the discussion of popular topics, and expanded the platform’s variety show track to a new dimension, highlighting the platform’s beneficial exploration of its variety show content. We also expect that in the future, iQIYI will be able to touch more fields, explore more value expressions under entertainment, and bring more joyful energy to the public!

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