Home » today » News » A multifunctional space is being built in Vilnius Kuldīga Secondary School for less than a third of a million

A multifunctional space is being built in Vilnius Kuldīga Secondary School for less than a third of a million

A new multifunctional training and event room Viļa Plūdonis has been built for 328,100 euros Kuldiga in high school, informed Madara Dravniece, senior project manager of Kuldiga Development Agency.

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V. Plūdonis Kuldīga Secondary School has completed construction works and furnishing the premises – the former gym has been transformed into an event and study room, which was very necessary for the school, as well as several classes have been renovated.

Ergonomic furniture, necessary equipment and information technology equipment were also purchased for the needs of students and teachers in the amount of 75,104 euros, including value added tax (VAT). Purchased document cameras, interactive screen and table, laptops and tablets. As a result, school students and teachers have gained new opportunities to work in good conditions today.

Acting director of the school Inese Astaševska said that V. Plūdonis Kuldīga Secondary School has acquired a multifunctional hall and classrooms, which will be fully used throughout the school year. The hall will host events, rehearsals for the children’s dance group “Pūpoliņi”, as well as 7th and 10th grade students will learn the basics of theater art here. Graduations will also be able to take place in a beautiful, event-friendly room in the future, Astaševska added.

Due to Covid-19, when students studied remotely, construction work could start earlier than originally planned. The works according to the construction project of SIA “JD projekts” were performed by the construction company SIA “Pretpils”, they cost 328,100 euros, including VAT, but the construction supervision was provided by SIA “Būves un būvsistēmas”.

The works took place by implementing the second round of the program “Improving the learning environment of general education institutions” project “Improving the learning environment of general education institutions in Kuldiga region”, in which three schools in Kuldiga region are being renovated. The amount of eligible costs of the project for all three schools is 6,191,461 euros. EUR 3,493,257 is from the European Regional Development Fund, EUR 1,888,742 is part of the financing of Kuldīga municipality, and EUR 809,461 is a state budget grant to municipalities.

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