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A multi-organ ablation operation was performed

It is the second that takes place in a private clinic. The donor was a patient who expressly wanted to donate her organs. The decision was accompanied by his family members, a gesture that was highlighted by CUCAI-Tierra del Fuego.

BIG RIVER.- For the second time, a multi-organ ablation operation was performed in a private health institution, which was achieved with total success, thus allowing lives to be saved from the voluntary decision of the patient to donate her organs, which was accompanied by their families.

“It is the second in a private institution in the last five years. Things turned out as they should be, we worked very well in a place where we are not used to working, ”said Dr. Eduardo Serra, head of CUCAI-TDF, who provided details of the operation that began on Tuesday night and ended past noon this Wednesday.

Dr. Serra said that “a new ablation operation has been carried out in the province, it was multi-organ. A patient who was admitted to CEMEP 48 hours ago due to neurocritical disease. In spite of the established treatments, it unfortunately evolves to brain death, the patient was an express donor, the family accompanied the decision, our suggestion and work ”.

The professional indicated that “we were able to carry out the operation with teams that came from outside the province, local surgeons, the intensive care work of the institution, plus the jurisdiction’s personnel. We started last night and ended around noon ”.

Serra indicated that “it is very important that private institutions commit to this work with us and, second, that they make us feel comfortable; and that is noticeable in recent years ”.

The head of CUCAI-TDF thanked “the donor’s family, the CEMEP staff, the Ramón Trejo Noel International Airport staff, members of Civil Protection, the Provincial Police, the Fuegian Association of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Resuscitation and all those who in one way or another accompany us ”.

Province patients

Dr. Serra explained that the personnel who carried out the multi-organ ablation operation arrived in Rio Grande on a medical plane. “The organs are transferred with the personnel who perform the ablation, once they arrive in Buenos Aires, INCUCAI makes the distribution to be able to perform the transplants.”

Another point on which the medical professional emphasized is that “the patients who go to transplant first are those from the province, so for us it is very important to be able to carry out this type of operation, because we work for our population.”

Serra spoke about the waiting list of patients and said that “at the national level it has grown in the last year, given that in the context of the pandemic we have not been able to carry out the number of operations that we would have liked. Here in the province we have the highest rate of donors per million inhabitants ”.

He added that “the largest waiting list at the national and global level is that of kidney disease because all risk factors and associated diseases end up affecting the kidney, therefore, patients end up on dialysis or in need of kidney transplantation without dialysis”.

The doctor specified that “we have around 165 dialysis patients and a waiting list of approximately 42 patients in total from all organs. Regionality governs certain organs, therefore, for example, the kidney, the first search carried out is in the province where the donor originates, that means that the first searched are patients from Tierra del Fuego ” .

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