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A movement that is not ready to stop

The efforts undertaken by the collective of candidates could appear in vain to the critics, but despite the difficulties they encounter, they do not give up. The marches they organized yesterday, even if they were stopped by the tear gas jets, were fruitful. The rank of people who support them has grown and their meeting with the FFKM, late yesterday afternoon, reassured them in their approach.

A movement that is not ready to stop

The Candidates’ Collective, yesterday, sought to avoid any confrontation with the police who were waiting for them. The latter sealed off all the access points leading to the Place du 13 Mai, clearing the streets and forcing traders to close their storefronts. The candidates began their march at the end of the morning, going up the street alongside St-Michel college then heading towards Amparibe. They were accompanied by only a handful of supporters, provoking sarcastic remarks from some observers. The comparison with the thousand supporters of Andry Rajoelina, gathered at the same time at the Arena Ivandry, was not to their advantage. But as one of the members of the collective pointed out, this gathering was held without being disrupted by the police. But as if to respond to these remarks, a huge crowd, at the forefront of which were the deputies, arrived and after a brief consultation, it was decided to return to Mahamasina. The procession headed towards the Anosy court. The police were forced to reorganize and some of them positioned themselves in front of the National Radio. Elements were placed in the street leading to the courthouse. They then threw tear gas canisters to disperse the demonstrators. The collective of candidates decided to end the demonstration. He responded to the call of the FFKM which in the morning published a press release asking political actors to demonstrate a spirit of tolerance. At the end of the meeting with church leaders. no comments were made, but the movement initiated by the candidates continues.

Patrice RABE

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