Home » today » World » A mother from Mexico asks for help to see her son who is in critical condition in Fort Worth | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

A mother from Mexico asks for help to see her son who is in critical condition in Fort Worth | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

from afternoon to 7:00 at nightat 9700 dallas. onour websitewe have the details about thedocuments that mustpresent of those who wishask for this benefit. news23 I received a call from aviewer who isdesperate in exico and asks for amiracle to travel to fortworth. his son wasinvolved in a strong crashfor three months and nocan you come see it why nothas documents. jairo lozanoexplains to us what alternativesthey exist for these families.jairo: throughout the wholeI’ve been in contact withlawyers and tell us that thesolution for her could bethat turns desire intoreality, but she said thathas a history ofobscured. I want to see it, I wanthug them. queen standsin the state of tlaxcala and that isimploring to see her 13-year-old sonyears who is incritical condition in hospital.>> I only ask you eight ías forGo to see it.jairo: he traveled with his fatherand his sister when a vehicleIt impacted them. the report ofDepartment of Transportationdetail that another driverwarned that he turned the eyes ofthe road for a few moments.the boy’s father says hisson is in statevegetable without being able to walk,speak or move your bodythere is serious damage in 70% ofyour brain.the immigration attorneyexplain that the family shouldrequest a letter from the hospitaldetailing that the minor isis in a critical state andthe reasons why you shouldbe present the mother. hereI share some documents with youthat are necessary, form131, police report andevidence, valid passport,birth certificate, documentsthat prove kinship. theproblem to the big thatface hiding peoplehave a track recordmigratory because they triedcross with documents that do notthey were theirs. was detained inthe border with Ciudad Járez.>> from there they took me to sierrawhite until I met myjudgment.jairo: the mother triedapply for a permithumanitarian at the embassy.weeks after the accident,but it was denied. I only wantsee my son, be able to touch him andwait for a miracle to happen.recommend receiving counselingprofessional before starting

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