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A mother and her three children are evicted in Linares

Protest for the eviction of Caterina. Photo: PAH Jaén.

Cáritas pays for the Linares hostel where the woman with the three economically dependent children is staying since the launch

A woman and her three children – older but dependent – have been evicted from the apartment where they lived in Linares and that the former could not afford financially. After the launch, the family is in a hostel thanks to the support of Cáritas, as indicated in a statement by the Andalusian Association Barrios Ignorados and the Platform for People Affected by Mortgage (PAH) Jaén.

The groups demand a housing alternative and recall that launches continue to take place despite the government moratorium that prevents evictions until August 9.

The PAH shows its concern about the data on evictions in the province: there are 63 from January to March 2021. “This system cannot be held when thousands of families in a situation of complete vulnerability are being cared for, as in this case by the Church and not by the State, “says the platform.

Barrios Ignorados and the PAH make an appeal to the neighbors, relatives, friends and supportive people of Linares to accompany the families who suffer evictions. They also ask the City Council and municipal groups to find a different alternative to the hostel paid for by Cáritas.

Also in Linares, Caterina Álvarez, a Colombian living in the province, who lived in an apartment that her ex-partner stopped paying, was recently evicted. “I don’t want anyone to make my mistake again,” he told this newspaper.

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