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A montage of a wrestler! The Inquisitor goes to war with the newly colored clear


The new hairstyle is intended to complete the transformation that the Inquisitor has undergone in recent months. After the December duel with Jan Malach, he changed coaches. It is being prepared under the direction of Luboš Šuda, David Vyvážil and Richard Andrš. And he mainly wants to enjoy the matches. Show off in them like a wrestler.

“Now I’m going to enjoy the match, to really enjoy it. Not like we used to say, we’re going to enjoy it, but we were kind of tied up. Now I’m just going there to really make a great match, I’m going to fight there. With everything, “says the 32-year-old fighter.

Miroslav Brož is training in the gym under the guidance of coach Arleta Krausová


“Míra simply approached the training a little differently. The changes are really in the style, he wants to wash more. He is no longer a young boy, he is not twenty. He wants to make matches more for himself, for the spectators. He does not play for scores, for some UFC promotion and the like. He just wants to fight. Give up what he still has there, “confirms coach David Vyvážil.

An exceptional evening! He had no oxygen for half a minute and asked God for help. Then he asked his girlfriend for a hand

The goal of making a great match was subordinated to the choice of the opponent. German Christian Jungwirth. They will compete in a velter weight. Miroslav Brož will introduce himself for the first time in 77. “We are both very similar in type, we have a similar balance. We always went to the physique, and so on. He’s a boxer, a tough guy. And if we both sell what we have …, “the Inquisitor is looking forward to.

So he has now finished the preparation with a new hairstyle. “It simply came to our notice then. That man is no longer so bound. I have to do this, I have to go over there. I wanted a new hairstyle. And I don’t care who thinks what. I’m happy with that. “

Like the silver hairstyle, he wants to enjoy the match with Jungwirth on Saturday night.

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