Home » today » News » A Minsk woman fell asleep in the bathroom and ended up under criminal charges. And it’s not that it flooded the neighbors

A Minsk woman fell asleep in the bathroom and ended up under criminal charges. And it’s not that it flooded the neighbors

One February evening, residents of one of the apartments in a building on Turovsky Street in Minsk noticed that the walls and ceiling in the bathroom and hallway were wet. This apartment is not upstairs, so it became clear that the neighbors upstairs were flooded. Attempts to call and reach the owners on the floor above led to nothing. I had to call the rescuers. The further development of the story gradually turned criminal.

Emergency Ministry workers arrived and entered the apartment and found an unconscious young woman in the bathroom. reported state agency “Minsk-News”. The signs indicate that he is in a state of acute drug intoxication. The doctors were called.

The investigative team examined personal belongings and confiscated the backpack and mobile phone to preserve the property.

A week after being discharged from the medical facility, the culprit of the flood came to the police to get her things. And at the same time – to explain about the condition in which she was found. She did not deny the fact of drug use. And she even allowed employees to see the contents of her phone. And it was there that an unusual correspondence was discovered.

In the messenger they found communication with a certain “lawyer” who sent her the coordinates of the location of a cache with 200 grams of a psychotropic substance. It was useless to deny, and the woman told investigators that she had gotten a job in an online drug store as a “miner”; her actions were supervised by the drug shop operator.

It is unknown how much longer the 33-year-old “miner” would have been putting packages of psychotropic substances into hiding places in the Minsk region if it had not been for this “wet case.” Having received the task, she was supposed to pick up the bookmark, but not before using Alpha PVP and falling asleep in the bathtub with the water running.

By the way, police officers found a package with a psychotropic substance in a cache in a forest area near the village of Kopische, Minsk region.

The Minsk regional department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code (“Illegal production, processing, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment for the purpose of sale, or illegal sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors or analogues on a large scale”). The punishment is severe – from 8 to 15 years.

Earlier, Telegraph wrote that in the city park, under a bench, on the street under a tree, in the corner of a window in a cafe – in one day, suspicious people with hoods pulled over their foreheads planted ten “doses of drugs” in different places in the city. Moreover, they did not hide from the eyes of others, but, on the contrary, tried to attract attention to themselves. For what?

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