Home » today » World » “A minister shouldn’t behave like that” – 2024-06-28 15:19:02

“A minister shouldn’t behave like that” – 2024-06-28 15:19:02

In an interview with Apu journal, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (kok) says that he intends to return to the speeches of minister Wille Rydman (ps) after the interim query vote.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (kok) criticizes the actions of Minister of Financial system Wille Rydman (ps). Sami Salmela

Prime minister Petteri Orpo (kok) says in an interview with Apu journal that he doesn’t just like the Minister of Financial Affairs by Wille Rydman (ps) conduct after the vote of confidence as matter-of-fact.

Orpo says straight that “a minister shouldn’t behave like that”.

Based on the prime minister, we are going to return to the matter.

As well as, the Prime Minister tells what sort of dialog he had with Rydman throughout the Midsummer weekend.

– We talked with Rydman about the truth that the media is a part of the democratic system and the free media should be given peace of thoughts. However, we additionally mentioned that ministers should behave with dignity of their work, says Orpo in an interview with Avu.


In June, the opposition requested Minister Rydman an interim query. Rydman received the arrogance of the parliament within the vote.

The interim query was primarily based on an article revealed by Helsingin Sanomat in June 2022, which defined how Rydman had used his political place to his benefit and sought to be near younger women and girls.

Based on Rydman, the journalists who made the story and the ladies who have been the sources would have lied. Rydman filed felony stories on them. The prosecutor made the selections to not cost each the journalists, the ladies who have been the sources, and Rydman himself.

Within the interim query, it was thought-about that Rydman has tried to silence the media and the ladies who advised concerning the harassment after the prosecutor’s resolution.

– As a minister, Rydman has repeatedly publicly attacked the media and the ladies who advised about his actions. Rydman’s assaults, particularly in the direction of the journalists who wrote the Helsingin Sanomat article, have been significantly robust and harsh, the intermission states.

The Parliament voted on the arrogance of Minister of Financial system Wille Rydman (ps). Sami Salmela

Speaking to the orphan

Prime Minister Orpo stated on Monday that he had a “severe dialogue” with Rydman over the Midsummer weekend. After the dialogue, each needed to have a typical understanding that free media has a central position in democracy.

After the interim query, Rydman stated that he would proceed to criticize Helsingin Sanomat and confirmed no intention of fixing his actions. Rydman has claimed HS’s article as false.

Within the interview with Avu, Orpo says that Rydman interprets the dialog that they had another way.

– He appears to interpret our conversations in his personal manner. He interprets it in order that if there’s a free media, the media may also be freely criticized. He went fairly far in that, says Orpo in an interview with Avu.

Additionally the current chairman of RKP Anders Adlercreutz has said that Rydman’s actions after the vote “doesn’t bode properly”.

#minister #behave

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