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A military judge addressed the Bar Association: consider proceedings against Adv. Lea Tsamel

In an unusual step, a judge in a military court asks the Bar Association’s ethics committee to take proceedings against the veteran terrorist attorney, attorney Leah Tsamel. This follows her behavior yesterday in court during the trial of her clients, the three defendants in the murder of Rana Schnarev.

According to those present in the courtroom, at this week’s hearing, Tsmail hurled harsh words at the military prosecutor. How many times she stood in front of him and said: “My friend won’t turn to me, and won’t come near me, I’m warning him.”

The judge asked her to sit down, but she did not listen to his words. At that time he announced that he would forward the protocol of the hearing to the Ethics Committee of the Jerusalem District of the Bar Association, which would consider taking proceedings against her.

Schnarev was murdered in an attack in Ein Bobin in the Binyamin region in 2019. Her brother, Dvir, who was seriously injured by the explosives placed there by terrorists, testified at the trial this week. Last month, the father, Rabbi Eitan Schnerev, testified. Tzamel then wondered in his ears: “Why do you insist on testifying in the trial?”. Rabbi Schnerav answered her: “This is the sentence of my daughter’s murderers, it is very simple.”

The three defendants in the murder trial are members of the Popular Front terrorist organization. One of them, Walid Hanatsha, is considered to be one of the top officials of the organization. He is also accused of being involved in several attempts to murder Jews, as well as knowing in advance about the attack in Ein Bobin, approving its execution and even driving the Arab terrorist to the scene on the morning of the attack.

Chamel said in response: “That’s not how things were.”

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