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A meteorite fell in Izmir and reminded of the beginning of an ancient prophecy

Five days after a meteorite exploded in the sky over Norway and the shock wave of the blast slammed doors and windows around Oslo and the surrounding area, Izmir experienced a similar celestial show. writes Standard News bg.

Shortly after midnight, in the first hour of Saturday, hundreds of Turkish citizens and holidaymakers filmed the meteorite falling and posted a video on social media. Locals said they heard a deafening explosion-like sound immediately afterwards. .

There is no official information from the Turkish authorities, so the assumptions are different.

Some claim that the fiery celestial sign is part of the largest annual star fall, the Perseids. The powerful meteor shower passes through the Earth this year between July 17 and August 24, and the peak of shooting stars will be in the night between August 12 and 13.

Like most meteor showers, Perseids are formed from the remnants of a comet’s “tail.”

Approaching the Sun, comets heat up, scattering small particles of ice and dust in interplanetary space, which under the influence of the solar wind move from the center of the solar system, and the debris crashes into the Earth’s upper atmosphere at about 210,000 km per hour and they burn, shining like stars.

However, all this does not match the ominous noise that accompanies the fall of the meteorite in Turkey, which some locals say reminded them of the rumble of an earthquake. That is why the second version is more probable, namely – a meteorite has fallen.

The trail of it added a new color to the sky over Turkey, filled with smoke from the fires that have been ravaging entire regions of the country for days. That’s why so many cameras have recorded the subject.

Some of the younger ones have kept their good mood with posts explaining how it is better for stars to fall from the sky instead of ashes, but others, especially the older ones, are quite scared.

They say the fall of the meteorite is a bad omen because it portends future disasters for the country.

However, are only the locals in Izmir a cause for concern?

Vanga has repeatedly pointed out that the meteor shower predicts a change in life, and the frequency of such an event leads to a global catastrophe on Earth.

At least 3 meteorites have fallen to Earth in the last few months alone. Before Izmir and Oslo, the celestial body illuminated the Mexican city of Monterey, and after a while they pulled out a huge piece driven into the ground.

Such saturation occurs for the first time since 2013, when one of the fallen meteorites turned out to be the largest ever found – Chelyabinsk, with a diameter of 17 meters.

The most famous meteorites that fell to Earth Meteorite, Science, Space, Longpost

Legends about the beginning of the end of the world because of meteorites are found all over the world, but received the most powerful force after the sound of an old Indian prophecy that the Earth will undergo apocalyptic changes 10 winters after the Night of the Bleeding Stars.

One of the last signs that the Apaches have received from the Creator of the world is that when we all see the blood of the stars, there will be no going back, neither in the physical sense nor in the spiritual life.

The Indians interpreted these bleeding stars as the trail that meteors remain in the sky.

The revelations of the most famous shaman are classified in the library of the American Congress. No one still takes them seriously, but it is a fact that many of them have already come true. Among them are prophecies about the coming of the AIDS disease and the African drought, from which thousands of children are dying.

Since 2010, Indian “chatter” has no longer caused only smiles after the ecological catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, described by the shaman – the Invisible Wolf, a hundred years earlier

According to him, the Bleeding Stars are a symbol of the end of egocentric human civilization.

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