After having been the subject of a patent application, the discovery announced by Dr Henri Joseph regarding the possibility of strengthening human defenses against RNA viruses thanks to the peak grass, must now obtain a scientific certification to be operated as such
Posted on February 12, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
The Wikipedia site will tell you, before becoming a drug, a scientific discovery must meet a scientific process to be certified.
A scientific discovery must be formalized by a theory validated by experience. The experiment consists in identifying a signal corresponding to the theory.
However, the experiment is always subject to a “noise” which can mask the signal more or less, or even pass itself off as a signal (false-positive).
Clearly, for a scientific discovery to be recognized, its universal value must be indisputable. Each discovery is therefore subjected to the test of facts, by confrontation with experience.
In this case, the discovery of doctors Henri Joseph and Damien Bissessar must now follow the circuit provided to obtain such certification. In Guadeloupe, it is already arousing a lot of interest, even if everyone remains cautious and prefers to recall that in the meantime, the anti-covid vaccine remains the only way to fight the virus.
Professor Raymond Césaire Virologist
Dr. Jean-Claude Gbenou, general practitioner and president of Adgupe
As for Dr. Henri Joseph, he already wants to believe that a bright future awaits his discovery. He is sure of the potential of the plant which has not ceased to be discovered for several centuries.