2024.08.29 11:22 Taipei time
current events

Release time: 2024.08.29 11:22 Taipei Time
Update time: 2024.08.29 11:22 Taipei time
A man from Austria, 61, went to Japan recently to see what happened.
According to widespread Japanese media reports, around 11:30 a.m. local time on August 22, two people had sex at a shrine in Kesennuma City, completely ignoring the feelings of the worshipers. When the police arrived, they arrested two people for desecrating a religious site.
The report pointed out that when the Austrian objected to the police investigation, he said he would remain silent until a lawyer arrived. Because he was a tourist, the police believed he had a reason to flee. ; and the mature woman who had sex with him confessed to the crime during the investigation.
The local police have launched an investigation into the incident, but there are no further details at this time.
Update time |2024.08.29 11:22 Taipei time
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2024-08-29 13:19:56