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A marriage degenerates into scenes of violence, the bride testifies

Burnt cars, rodeos, clashes with the police … The wedding ceremony completely degenerated on Saturday, September 19 in the suburbs of Lyon. The bride is giving her version of the facts today.

The tension escalated when several guests were refused entry to the town hall due to the Covid-19.

“Intolerable and unacceptable”

A few days after the annulment of a marriage because of urban rodeos in Chelles (Seine-et-Marne), it is another marriage which is talked about in Bron, near Lyon. On board several “big cylinders“, the sixty guests caused numerous offenses in the city center:”The procession was extremely loud, both horns, rodeos, people at car windows. It was both a public order problem and then it was extremely dangerous“, remembers the mayor Jérémie Bréaud.

Arrived with more than thirty minutes late, the guests were thus refused entry to the town hall by the deputy mayor, who also mentioned health reasons. Alone the married ones, witnesses and close family were allowed to enter the ceremony hall, while the others were invited to stay in the square. Several guests then threatened the mayor and tried to force their way back. Very quickly insults erupted, clashes erupted … The police were forced to fire tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Several cars were set on fire on the sidelines of the event and firefighters were attacked by mortar fire. After these events, the mayor of Bron announced that he would now toughen the rules for weddings:

Faced with these behaviors, contrary to the values ​​of the Republic, the rules for future weddings will be even stricter : 30 minutes late and we don’t get married, rodeos in the streets risk causing accidents and we don’t get married. The message is clear, when we get married in Bron, we no longer do what we want.

“The mayor wanted to advertise my wedding”

Asked by LyonMag, the bride insisted on restoring “her truth”. The young woman recognizes urban rodeos the day before and the morning of the wedding. On the other hand, the procession to go to the town hall was quite “normal” according to her: “just a procession with horns and music. ” She is also surprised that guests are being refused entry for 30 minutes late when several people around her have not had this kind of problem, in Bron or in neighboring towns.

She denounces the use of tear gas to disperse the crowd which made her lose consciousness. According to her, the police even refused to call the fire department for her stepmother who had also passed out:

The door was opened by a policeman, someone tried to enter and that’s where we were gassed. Elderly people were gassed, my cousin vomited it, my brother-in-law, my sister-in-law (…) After the wedding, we were refused the right to take group photos on the forecourt of the town hall “

She is particularly angry with mayor Jérémie Bréaud and denounces racism on social networks: “He wanted to advertise my wedding. I’d rather he condemn people who call us bougnoules.” She also specifies that the cars set on fire during the night from Saturday to Sunday were not the fault of her guests, as indicated in numerous media.

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