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A man’s life changes overnight… thanks to a Total service station!

Total: more than one million euros won thanks to the lottery!

As you can imagine, this lucky winner did not find a million euros on the ground, between two cars. He’s a Lotto regular! By dint of playing, his rigor was rewarded since he won a very nice sum: 1,018,799 euros. What completely change his life, when he often went to the Total Energies service station in Herentals, in the province of Antwerp.

Total: To the Gazet van Antwerpen, the lucky winner did not hide his joy: ” This victory is of course very unexpected, even though I am a regular player. I always play at gas stations but I don’t really have any particular numbers”.

The surprise is obviously great for the one who admits to having had the numbers checked “at least twenty times” to be sure that he was indeed the big winner. ” I’m still a bit in shock. I have no idea what I’m going to do with this handsome sum. the possibilities are limitless« .

There is not only one happy in this story since the managers of the service station are delighted to have a winner at home: ” The fact that a million euros has been won here is great publicity« .

Where are the biggest French winners?

In France too, there are many winners. It must be said that La Française des Jeux offers dozens and dozens of games. In addition to the famous Loto, the great national lottery, we can obviously talk about the Euromillions. This lottery offered in several European countries offers sums to be won that are indecent. Some French were lucky. In 17 years of existence, they are not very numerous: 112.

Among these 112 winners, 23 are in the Île-de-France region. It is therefore the luckiest region, the one where there are statistically the most winners. Then follow the Provence-Alpes-Côtes-d’Azur region (with 14 winners) and, in third position, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, proud of its 11 winners.

Are these regions more affected by luck than the others? Not really. Indeed, it is not complicated to guess why these regions are in the lead. It is quite simply because these are highly populated regions. Moreover, it is in one of its regions that the biggest French winner is found. In December 2020, a lucky candidate wins the simply incredible sum of 200 million euros. Not enough to compete with Elon Musk and his 265 billion, of course. But this sum allows the player to be among the great fortunes of France. When he wins, he lives in Provence-Alpes-Côtes-d’Azur.

Does Money Really Bring Happiness?

People who have become accustomed to gambling all hope to win the jackpot. They know that life changes once you have the means. If only so that you no longer have to count your pennies at the end of the month. Living with money is better than living without. Therefore, they all imagine themselves happy if they ever win. But is it that simple? Earn such a large sum, is this really a good thing for his mental health?

The Psychologies site looked into the question by meeting winners and relatives of winners. The goal is simple with these interviews, to find out how their lives have changed, for good and for bad. Psychosociologist Ana Bauer, who had the opportunity to meet several winners, talks about the emotions that overwhelm them:

« There is, of course, the euphoria of the announcement, then, quickly afterwards, a moment of great anguish in the face of the magnitude of the changes that are to come. Some even go through a phase of denial as the shock is violent, before gradually managing to develop a new life project. (…) What to do with all this money? How can others benefit from it? How to reorganize your life? The gain leads to a real existential upheaval« .

One winner, Edmond Marc, agrees: “ Money complicates relationships. The rich, explains this one, we admire them and we envy them, especially if the money is the fruit of chance and not of hard work or inheritance. Wealth then seems less legitimate and arouses even more ambivalence« .

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