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A man with liver cancer There was no pain, but a 20 cm tumor was found.

A man with liver cancer No pain, no pain, but a 20 cm tumor was found.

Hiccups are a naturally occurring physiological phenomenon. Sometimes hiccups occur after eating too much. or food that causes gas But a gastroenterologist shared the case of a 60-year-old man who had cramps during the day. After treatment for a week He decided to go see a real doctor. The results showed that there was a 20 centimeter tumor in the liver.

Professor Qian Zhenghong Gastrointestinal and Liver Specialist From Chang Kung Hospital, Kowlung City, it was said that cancers related to the gastrointestinal system, including liver cancer, colon cancer are among the top 10 causes of death from cancer in 2023. stomach cancer Pancreatic cancer and esophageal cancer, etc.

Professor Qian Zhenghong shared a case that he also encountered, saying that when a man went to see a doctor, He complained of obstructions as soon as he drank the water. Only when you sleep Hiccups happen all the time and last up to a week. He couldn’t take it anymore and decided to seek medical help.

During the physical examination Professor Qian Zhenghong A palm-sized lump was found in the man’s upper abdomen. A CT scan confirmed a 20 centimeter tumor in his liver. cause causes Professor Qian Zhenghong further explained that the liver itself does not have nerves. Therefore, cancer cells do not cause pain when they grow.

However, pain and discomfort occur when liver tumors rupture. and it bleeds or grows too large and presses on other organs and tissues

Fatty hepatitis is one of the factors that cause liver cancer. When fat in the liver makes up more than 5% of the total weight of the liver. We call it fatty liver. The World Cancer Research Fund points out that obesity is associated with fatty liver. and is closely related to metabolic syndrome. This can lead to liver inflammation or liver damage. Excess fat in the body is one of the causes of many chronic diseases. By warning people if they find themselves with fatty liver disease First, you need to change your lifestyle habits. Eat a balanced diet Exercise regularly and receive official treatment Follow up regularly on liver index and abdominal ultrasound.

2024-08-04 06:26:52

#man #liver #cancer #pain #tumor

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