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A man sentenced for having sexually assaulted a gendarme, in Châteaudun

“In 22 years of office, this is the first time that I have seen someone appear before me who is accused of sexual assault on a member of the police”, indignant Rémi Coutin, public prosecutor , at the hearing of the court of Chartres.

The tone is set. The magistrate does not intend to give gifts to the 23-year-old man, escorted by the gendarmes in the immediate appearance box.

The defendant, tall, with a well-trimmed short beard that adorns his face, of Albanian nationality, speaks in impeccable French.

Facing him, the gendarme explains what happened, at the end of the afternoon of May 6, in the Beauvoir district, in Châteaudun:

“With my colleague, we were on patrol when we were alerted to an altercation. We went to the scene. »

the gendarme (empty)

On the spot, the two gendarmes are faced with several individuals, visibly alcoholic, one of whom was bleeding from the nose. The situation became tense between the group and the gendarmes. “I wanted to call for backup, but my radio wasn’t working. I had to use my cell phone. »

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During this time, an individual, whom his friends nicknamed “the Albanian”, approaches her by declaring to her: “I like you too much, I want to fuck you…”

The gendarme may well order him to keep his distance, the man insists and is more and more pressing, and would have gone so far as to touch his buttocks. What the defendant disputes.

The whole scene was recorded by the pedestrian camera that the gendarme took the precaution of activating.

They decide to arrest the aggressor

From this moment, with her colleague, she decides to challenge the aggressor. The man fled before being caught. He is very upset. “We had to use our Taser. He hit with his fists, feet, knees, ”says the gendarme, who adds: “It was very violent. He was very aggressive, I was scared. »

During her testimony at the bar of the court, she let out a few tears:

“We have been overtaken by events. I have a three year old daughter. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to go home to see her. »

the gendarme (empty)

“A mind-blowing situation,” remarks Me Vincent Rivierre, his lawyer. “It is the armed arm of our democracy that is faltering! The Beauvoir district is not outlawed! The lawyer judges that what happened that day “is unacceptable and very serious on a moral level. »

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For his part, the man admits having rebelled during his arrest and having made outrageous remarks towards the military.

“With the alcohol, I was in flirty mode. But I never touched his buttocks. There were a lot of people. She must have been wrong. I have a mother and two sisters and I would not like to have this kind of thing done to them. »

The accused

The misunderstanding is also the thesis supported by Me Margaux Lardans, in defense: “She may be wrong about the aggressor. She describes the journey of a man without problems, welcomed with his mother and his brothers and sisters in France, after the assassination of his father in Albania. “He has been in France for five years and as you can see, he expresses himself perfectly well in French. »

The judges took an hour and a half to decide his fate. Despite his denials, he was sentenced, for sexual assault on the gendarme, contempt and rebellion, to ten months in prison, including four months. He was taken into custody following his trial.

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