The most surreal news that brings us closer Extended Saray about a move in San Francisco.
Tim Brown He was a stockbroker wanting a change of scene. However, he was so fond of his old house that he decided to pay more to literally move the entire building.
This Victorian-style house, with six bedrooms and three bathrooms, required a huge human device to carry it out and safeguard its integrity and avoid any damage in the neighborhoods where it was moved.
House move, San Francisco style.
This 140-year-old Victorian home was yesterday moved from Franklin Street to its new location on Fulton Street.
It survived the great earthquakes of 1906 and 1989, so moving to another street isn’t such a big
– Dirk Janssen (@dirkjanjanssen) February 22, 2021
Tree branches were cut, parking meters were temporarily removed … And all this to preserve your home 139 years old. This unprecedented move ended up costing him 352.000 euros.