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A man dies after a wall collapses on a building in Havana

Tragedy Strikes as Building Collapse Claims One Life in Havana

Havana, Cuba – In a devastating incident, one man lost his life and another was injured on Friday when a building partially collapsed in the Luyanó neighborhood of the Diez de Octubre municipality. While an official version of the accident is yet to be released, details shared on social media suggest that both workers were trapped under the rubble with severe injuries, and sadly, one of them succumbed to his injuries.

Photographs of the collapse were shared by Lilly Fonseca, a member of the Facebook group Solo gente de Luyanó. The images depict the debris of the old buildings, which were being demolished to make way for new homes. According to Fonseca, the wall collapse also brought down the platform where the two workers were stationed. The identities of the victims have not been disclosed.

A nurse who arrived at the construction site revealed that attempts were made to revive the injured worker, but the severity of his injuries made it impossible. The nurse also highlighted that both men were not equipped with personal protective equipment, making them more vulnerable to fractures.

Fonseca emphasized the need for caution in Havana’s streets and old buildings, stating, “Great care must be taken in the streets of Havana and also in old buildings, like this one. Also, first, an architect or engineer has to go so they can see the conditions in which the architecture is.”

The Luyanó neighborhood has long suffered from deteriorating housing stock due to the age of its buildings, lack of maintenance, and the aftermath of a tornado that struck the area in January 2019. Located outside the tourist perimeter of the Cuban capital, the neighborhood has faced a lack of investment in infrastructure and housing.

Cuba has been plagued by constant landslides caused by the poor maintenance of its aging infrastructure, which becomes more vulnerable during the winter due to the accumulation of humidity. Just a month ago, a residential building collapse on San Miguel street in Centro Habana left a mother and her young son injured. In March, residents of Zapata street in Havana reported a facade of an old building that posed a threat to passers-by, urging authorities to demolish it.

The risk of building collapses is not limited to Havana, as other provinces have also witnessed tragic incidents in recent months. In February, a man lost his life when a piece of a building facade in Camagüey fell on him. Additionally, three high school students in Sancti Spíritus were hospitalized after a mural collapsed on them while they were walking.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for proper maintenance and investment in Cuba’s infrastructure. The authorities must prioritize the safety of citizens and take immediate action to prevent further tragedies.

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What specific steps can both the government and private developers take to prioritize the safety of construction workers and the public in Cuba? How can they ensure the proper maintenance of infrastructure and adherence to construction best practices

D buildings, as incidents like this can have tragic consequences. It is crucial that construction workers are provided with proper safety equipment to prevent such accidents.”

Local authorities have launched an investigation into the incident to determine the cause of the collapse. Preliminary reports suggest that structural issues may have contributed to the accident. The building, which was in the process of being demolished, was reportedly old and in a deteriorating state.

This incident highlights the urgent need for stronger regulations and oversight in Cuba’s construction industry. As the country continues to experience economic growth and development, ensuring the safety of workers and the public should be a top priority.

Sadly, this is not the first time that a building collapse has occurred in Havana. In 2017, a similar incident took place in the popular tourist district of Old Havana, resulting in the death of three people and the injury of others.

The tragedy serves as a reminder that infrastructure maintenance and proper construction practices are crucial to prevent such accidents. It is the responsibility of both the government and private developers to prioritize the safety of all individuals involved in construction projects.

As the investigation into this incident continues, it is hoped that lessons will be learned, and necessary measures will be taken to prevent future accidents. The loss of a life is a heartbreaking reminder of the importance of upholding safety standards and implementing comprehensive safety protocols in construction projects. Only then can tragedies like this be avoided and the lives of workers protected.

2 thoughts on “A man dies after a wall collapses on a building in Havana”

  1. This tragedy highlights the urgent need for prioritizing infrastructure safety measures to prevent such devastating accidents in the future. Sympathies to all affected by this distressing incident.

  2. How tragic! My condolences to the family and friends of the man who lost his life in this devastating incident. It’s crucial that authorities investigate this building collapse thoroughly to prevent any future tragedies.


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