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A man died in prison, sentenced to jail by a court for 22 years for wiping out a boy

A man who was sentenced by an extraordinary sentence of 22 years in prison last week for murder and child abuse died in prison. The information brought by the Expres server was confirmed by the Prison Service on Thursday.

“I can confirm that we are currently investigating the death of a prisoner who was alone in the cell. With regard to the course of the investigation and the GDPR, I cannot say more,” said Petra Kučerová, a spokeswoman for the Prison Service.

She did not comment on whether the man had died a natural death or whether the Prison Service found someone else’s fault or possible mistake.

According to Expresu the police ruled out foreign culpability. Ivana Nguyen, a spokeswoman for the General Inspectorate of Security Forces, said the inspection was not dealing with the case at this time.

The 21-year-old man was originally sentenced by a regional court to 16 years in prison for grievous bodily harm resulting in death, but the High Court in Prague changed his legal qualification to murder and tightened the sentence by six years.

Sores, burning, cold showers

According to the final verdict, his stepfather has abused a three-year-old boy since last January, when he moved in with his mother in Louny. He repeatedly showered him in cold water and exposed him to hot surfaces, causing burns, including in the face. He beat him with his palm and a wooden spoon, on open wounds, slapping him.

The violence escalated into February this year, when the man blamed the child for damaging his brain and spinal cord. He then showered the boy with cold water, put him to bed and went to bed. The child died of his injuries.

Last week, the chairman of the Board of Appeal, Jiří Lněnička, stated that he had not encountered such dealing with a small child in his forty years of experience. According to him, the man’s behavior showed complete disrespect for human life.

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