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a majority MP invites a Yellow Vest to share his daily life as an elected official

Misunderstanding, mistrust, the resentment of the Yellow Vests towards elected officials is deep. So the LREM deputy for Cholet, Denis Masseglia invited Franck Riber, yellow vest, to discover his daily life as an elected representative of the Republic.

Since the start of the movement Franck Riber has been invested in the mobilization of Gyellow islets. Payroll manager, recently unemployed, he accepted the proposal of the majority deputy Denis Masseglia to discover his daily life.

Former engineer at Thalès, Denis Masseglia was elected with a score of 68% in the constituency of Cholet.
But today, in the face of popular anger, the elected representative of the Republic in March must convince again. “I noticed a gap between elected officials and citizens; they told me clearly that we spent our time in restaurants, sleeping. They felt that we were disconnected from their realities, their difficulties”he points out.

Throughout the day, Frank Riberthe Yellow Vest, discover the extent of the subjects addressed by the deputy, deployment of fiber, meeting with a local association of patients with Parkinson’s disease, debate with representatives of the construction and public works federations… the appointments you are chained together.

In the prefecture, it is the republican protocol that awaits the two men during a naturalization ceremony. 119 foreign nationals received the French Citizen’s Charter that evening.

“It feels good to hear the values ​​of France, freedom, equality, fraternity”says Franck Riber.

Tomorrow, the Yellow Vest will remain under the golds of the Republic. It’s in Paris, at theNational Assembly that he will follow the Cholet MP.

The report by Eric Aubron, Gwenaël Rihet and Stéphane Hérel

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