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a major spiritual center in Côte-d’Or

In the beginning there was a desire to live a simple existence, faithful to the rule of Saint Benedict. In the most complete destitution.

This monastic ideal led a group of monks from the abbey of Molesmes, in Burgundy, to regroup in a secluded place, the forest of Cîteaux.

Thus was born in 1098 the abbey of Cîteaux, cradle of the Cistercian order. In the current town of Saint-Nicolas-lès-Cîteaux (Côte-d’Or). Under the protection of the Dukes of Burgundy.

The charism of Saint Bernard

The beginnings are difficult. Because this austere life attracts few people.

But in 1113 a man arrives who will change the fate of the abbey. The one who will become Saint Bernard chooses the monastic life, in the company of about thirty companions.

The charisma of this young man provoked a rapid development of the abbey of Cîteaux. During 30 years, it grew by 500 brothers.

More than 500 monasteries

Through his writings and his influence, Saint Bernard is at the origin of a true school of spirituality.

He himself founded, with 12 monks from Cîteaux, the neighboring abbey of Clairvaux. Which then spread throughout Europe.

At the end of the 12th century, the Cistercian order had more than 500 monasteries.

The abbey of Cîteaux deeply influences, for more than seven centuries, the spiritual life of the Christian West.

Dismantling during the Revolution

Following the Revolution, the monasteries had to close. The monks are driven out of Cîteaux.

The abbey is dismantled. Transformed into a stone quarry, then into a factory.

And then in a children’s penal colony. Founded by Father Rey, it welcomes up to a thousand young people and educators.

A difficult rebirth

Then the turmoil passes.

In the 19th century, monks from different monasteries gathered. They give birth to the Cistercian Order of Strict Observance.

In 1898, monks of this order regained possession of Cîteaux.

But the rebirth of the abbey is difficult. The buildings have become unsuitable. The monks, from different communities, are not used to living together …

Spiritual renewal

And yet, the spiritual life is gradually resuming its course in Cîteaux. The abbey even experienced a revival from the 1930s. Vocations flowed in.

In 1998, the abbey celebrated its ninth centenary. The Gothic church is renovated.

Today, a community of 35 brothers lives in Cîteaux. Always according to the rule of Saint Benedict, they divide their time between work and prayer.

Guided tours

Visits to the Abbey of Cîteaux, listed as historical monuments, resume from April 28 (except for new restrictions linked to the health crisis).

These guided tours must be booked in advance. They allow you to enter the monastery, and embrace 900 years of religious history.

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