Home » today » Business » A major electricity supplier has promised customers a discount. They can save a lot, but they have to do one thing

A major electricity supplier has promised customers a discount. They can save a lot, but they have to do one thing

Electricity and gas suppliers haven’t had the best reputation lately. It all started last year with the collapse of the Bohemia Energy company, when it became clear that this company had been speculating heavily at the expense of customers. Eventually, she miscalculated and quit rather than having to supply people with the contracted energies. Other suppliers followed, with the wave apparently far from over.

Positive swallowing

On the contrary, in recent times, there has been an increase in the number of supplier bankruptcies, or situations in which people are simply terminated from the contract or transferred at less favorable rates. More recently, the case resonated with Břeclav, whose supplier stopped supplying the contracted gas and she had to take it elsewhere, but it was already five times more expensive.

However, there are also instances where suppliers treat customers fairly and try to please them at this difficult time. One of these is the Pražská energetika company, which was the first ever to announce the abolition of savings measures by households.

If customers simply save at least something, not only will they pay accordingly less than if they had not saved energy, but they will also receive an economic compensation, i.e. a deduction from the final bill. It can be a tidy sum of up to 3,500 crowns at best.

Photo: Shutterstock

The bonus is easy to get

The bonus will also depend on the distribution rate you are at. If you have a flat rate and use electricity for lighting, common appliances or for cooking, you will receive 750 crowns if you save five percent and 1,500 crowns if you save ten percent. In the case of a double tariff, when electricity is also used for heating or water heating, the premiums are then doubled.

To be eligible for the bonus, it is necessary to take your reading on the electricity meter by taking a photo. Take your first photo at the start of the heating season from November 1st to 15th. The second then at the end from March 31 to April 15 of the following year.

The truth is, a ten percent savings on electricity should be quite easily achievable. For example, it is sufficient to start using LED bulbs, lower the heating temperature or unplug inactive appliances, because they consume electricity even in standby mode.

Photo: Shutterstock

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