2024.08.22 05:28 Taipei time
The suspense mini-series “Listen to the Sea” tells the story of a Taiwanese prisoner-of-war investigator at the end of World War II who was tried by the International Court of Justice after the war for his involvement in massacre of prisoners. of war.
Director Sun Jieheng, producer Lin Jiaru, and screenwriter Cai Yufen spent six years expanding from a short film to a mini-series. Sanyu Venture Capital, with a capital of 72 million, created 5 events, relying on hard field training and training to bring back the appearance of the time, and combining special visual effects to recreate the scenes of war on the shortlisted for SERIES MANIA drama show in Lille, France.
Actor Huang Guanzhi (from left), director Sun Jieheng, PSTV general manager Xu Qiuhua, program manager Yu Beihua, and producer Lin Jiaru attended the SERIES MANIA drama screening in Lille, France. (Provided by Public Television)
“Hearing the Sea” is set at the end of World War II attack and defense in an international trial court and chases the murderer through the play, attracting an audience interested in history and suspense logic.
Six years ago, the director of the short film “The First Tuna” Sun Jieheng and Golden Harvest Award screenwriter Cai Yufen participated in the workshop “Movies Are Happening: VR Live” held at the Taipei Film Festival and they studied a Chinese painting in 1945. in Guangfu Hall in Zhongshan Hall. Monitors” and wrote a short film script.
Update time |2024.08.22 05:29 Taipei time
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