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A look behind the scenes – Interview with Florian Fetzer, Online Marketing Manager at UNN

In addition to his role in design and editing, Florian is also our creative head for new campaigns and landing pages. In this interview, he talks about his career within the UNN.

You have been with UNN for a few months now. Tell us: How long have you been part of UNN and specifically the team and what path led you to us?

I have been at UNN since the end of last year. Before that, I had mainly worked in the text department. UNN has given me the chance to broaden my horizons in marketing. Here I can work in many areas, learn an incredible amount and of course also provide my own input here and there.

I think the young, committed team and the modern management culture are great. That really appealed to me during the application process.

What fascinates you most about your work in the marketing team?

In online marketing, you design – among other things – the first points of contact between potential customers and a brand. Whether it’s an ad, website or newsletter – the challenge here is to arouse interest in a company or an offer. This requires a lot of creativity and, especially in relatively small teams, you have an incredibly diverse range of tasks. I take on a variety of roles – from copywriting to SEO optimization to performance marketing and media design.

This variety is a real blessing, especially when you are still relatively early in your professional development. I certainly don’t get bored and I like the constant new challenges in my position.

What are your favorite offers that UNN provides for its employees (e.g. JobRad, Corporate Benefits, Udemy)?

My favorite benefit is definitely the Udemy Premium membership with the extensive range of courses on a wide variety of topics in marketing and beyond. I think it’s great to constantly learn new things. UNN has recognized how important employee training is and our team leads encourage us to actively take time to learn.

Tell us about your best or strangest experience in everyday life at UNN?

Of course, the legendary company parties are particularly memorable. Whether it’s a 90s Christmas party in a specially rented club or a canoe trip on the Old Rhine with a kingfisher sighting – it’s always an experience.


unn | UNITED NEWS NETWORK GmbH is one of the leading providers of press services in German-speaking countries and is a competent partner for sustainably successful corporate communications.
Through the press services PresseBox, which focuses on information technology and industry, and lifePR, the leading press service for lifestyle topics, journalists conduct targeted research into company publications.
In addition to publishing press releases, UNN solutions enable companies of all sizes to publish job advertisements, events and news for holistic online PR.
Companies benefit from a high reach on the web, a precisely targeted target group, strong social media support and extensive reporting services.

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