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A look back at the last Agen victory in Toulouse, in March 1997

In March 1997, the SUA, which had already beaten its prestigious neighbor in the first leg after a meeting that has become legendary, won on the Toulouse lawn for the last time in its history in the league with the score of 23-18 ( a victory in the Coupe de France will follow in 1999). On the wing of the Suaviste team, trained by Daniel Dubroca and Philippe Mothe, evolved Benoît Lacave.

And it’s an anecdote that immediately comes to the Aiguillonnais when talking about this performance: “The first memory that comes back to me is that before the match, in the locker room, we had big intentions. We had decided to throw the first ball back, especially not to kick it. The first ball fell on me. And I must have been the only one who didn’t hear the instruction. I hit… I remember the annoyed look on his face. ‘Abdel Benazzi (laughs)!”

The rest will unfold for the best: “Despite this pitfall, we had a big match, we played well. Toulouse had a very big team at the time. I found myself facing Berty. We had been pragmatic and we knew create opportunities for us.” With 18 points from Prosper, the feat is resounding: by winning on the field of a stadium team then on their way to conquering their fourth Brennus in a row, Agen impressed. The press, however, will credit a sad 8/20 to a victory described as austere: “It surprises me, continues the Lot-et-Garonnais, yet I do not remember a match so closed”.

“Everyone outdid themselves against us”

The SUA was then studded with great players, some of whom left strong memories for the winger: “The one who marked me the most, even in my life as a man, was Kiki Tolot. It was a certain idea rugby. Gérald Mayout also had a leading role, Olivier Campan… Technically, I admired Jean-Jacques Crenca: he knew how to do everything!”

His regret remains not to have gone for a title during his three seasons at Agenaise. He offers an explanation: “Maybe we didn’t have the teeth long enough for that. But we were the team to beat. I realized that when I left for Biarritz. Over there , they said: “Touch not found, raise, try for Agen”. With Toulouse precisely, we were at the top of the basket. Everyone outdid themselves against us and that made the march a little higher”. Benoît Lacave, with hindsight, concludes: “I never realized how lucky I had been to play at this level, with these guys. At that time, in Agen, winning was normal”. The defeat, the Agenais will however know it that season against these same Toulouse who, led by a Christophe Deylaud of the great days, will take their revenge in the semi-finals in Bordeaux.

Toulouse 18 – Agen 23

M-T : 13-15; 13,000 spectators.

Referee: M Dumé

Winners: 1E Thomas (59) ; 6P Prosper (9, 13, 23, 33, 38, 53).

Defeated: 2nd Lapoutge (28), Lacroix (48); 1T (28) and 2P (2, 4) Deylaud.

AGEN : Thomas; Lacave, Campan, J. Mateo, JF Mateo (o) Prosper (Bouic, 55) (m) Sudre; Troader (Lagrange, 53), Benazzi, Benetton; Porcu, El Mekkaoui; Abraham (Piacentini, 53), Fabre (Dal Maso, 53), Crenca.

Exp. temp. : Troader (34, yellow card), Crenca (64, white card), Lagrange (67, white card)

Match score: 8/20.

Man of the Match: Abdelatif Benazzi (Agen).

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