A little less, but no less angry: That was the 2023 women’s strike
Tens of thousands of women took to the streets in Swiss cities on Wednesday for equal rights. A Federal Councilor also ventured into the crowd.
Thousands of women flocked to the streets in Zurich.
As always, numbers only tell half the story. Yes, it’s not half a million like in 2019, it’s probably more like tens of thousands. But there is no way around the loud, happy and violet crowd on the Bundesplatz this Wednesday. “Enough! Basta! Ça sufit!» It is not only enough for many women in Bern. In 20 Swiss cities – from Aarau to Zurich – they took to the streets to demonstrate for “time, respect, decent wages and pensions”.
2023-06-14 21:55:57
#womens #strike