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A little known food, but very useful for keeping healthy

It is a tiny little food, which some do not even know the taste of. We are talking about the date, an exotic fruit with a sweet taste and a rubbery texture. A fruit with a thousand properties, sometimes even unknown. It is actually a cure-all for our body.

Although dates have a high sugar content, they remain an indispensable food. They are in fact rich in beneficial properties and fibers. For this they can be consumed daily, but paying attention to the dose, which must not exceed 3 dates per day. Useful to integrate in a varied and balanced diet, they can be considered a valid alternative to desserts.

A little known food but very useful for staying healthy

The introduction of this food will bring many benefits to the body.


Being a very sugary food it is rich in energy, and the presence of vitamins also stimulates brain activity. In fact it is considered as the ideal snack. Furthermore, when combined with dried fruit, such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, a perfect combination is obtained. The energy charge will last longer and will allow you not to arrive at the next meal with exaggerated hunger.


Rich in magnesium, it helps relieve pain and swelling. It turns out to be an excellent supplement to drugs, as it also has an antibacterial effect that helps reduce body infections.


It is a fruit rich in fiber and amino acids which give it a purifying effect. It stimulates digestion and helps in case of constipation problems.


Dates are good for the heart due to their potassium content. They reduce the presence of bad cholesterol and are very effective for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

They can also be consumed in the case of hyperglycemia and a low-calorie diet, because if consumed in the right quantities they do not represent a risk for blood sugar.


The date plant is native to Northern Africa. It is a very tall palm, which can reach up to 30 meters and produce up to 50 kilos of fruit per year, which are generally sold dried.

Moreover, thanks to their sweetness, they lend themselves well to the creation of numerous recipes, including light and vegan ones.

When buying this food, it is necessary to pay particular attention that they are natural dates and not covered with glucose syrup. Which is added as a preservative, but produces harmful effects on health, also nullifying the beneficial effects of the date itself.

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