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A library named after Émile Saint-Lot in Orlando

The Consulate of Haiti in Olando will launch this February 25 a library in the name of the Haitian politician, Émile Saint-Lot in Orlando, United States.

Émile Saint-Lot was an outstanding politician, journalist, diplomat and intellectual. In 1946, he signed the constitution of Haiti and in 1948, he was one of the signatories of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Forty-five years after his death (August 17, 1976, New York), the Consulate of Haiti in Orlando pays him yet another tribute for his civic involvement and contribution to the enrichment of the history of his country.

« In addition to having been a diplomat who marked the history of international relations in Haiti, he served the State both at the legislative and executive levels. Emile Saint-Lot was a career diplomat, refined and highly cultured, a politician and a great reader who always made the defense of the interests of Haiti his only compass in the conduct of the affairs of the State, “said Herwil Gaspard, Consul and Head of Consulate Post.

Gaspard continues that « Through the implementation of the Émile Saint Lot Library, the Consulate of Haiti in Orlando pursues, among other objectives, the popularization of elements of Haitian culture through its poetry, its short stories, its essays and its tales.”

Herwil Gaspard, Consul and Head of Post of the Consulate | Photo contributed

“The idea of ​​providing the consular post with a Haitian library began as soon as I took office in 2020. We met on this with the Consulate team in order to give substance to the project and the work began during summer 2021. We had the great support of our ministry, which believed in this project from the start and even today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports us. We must also thank the great support of some people from Haiti and the diaspora who sent us books for free,” says Gaspard.

The library, which will begin to welcome the public from this Friday, is a space open to all those who want to discover Haiti to through adventures culturals and tourists. The following week, the Consulate will make public a diversified calendar of events. Among the planned activities will be « The CEO’s », a series of meetings aimed at better to know value creators in the communitysuggests the consul who took the opportunity to outline the future projects of the institution he heads.

“The Consulate is currently working on Mapping the Haitian Diaspora in Central Florida. Through this study, the Consulate wants to have qualitative information from our nationals. Because Haiti cannot afford not to include its diaspora in its development process and this is one of the missions that the chancellery has given us.”he finishes.

Eberline Nicolas

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