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“a lesser evil”, for the owners of establishments

Monday, December 28, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the ban on eating in cinemas, and drinking standing in cafes and bars from January 3. In Dijon, the owners of the establishments are resigned.

New ban for establishments open to the public. Monday, December 28, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that it will be prohibited to eat or drink in cinemas from January 3, for a period of three weeks. In bars and cafes, standing consumption will be prohibited.

In Dijon and its metropolitan area, the traders affected by these measures seem resigned to the idea of ​​adapting the health protocol again.

If he has trouble understanding the Government’s decision, Pascal Vanin, director of the Cap Vert cinema in Quetigny, accepts it without blinking.

The sale of food and drink is important from an economic point of view, we will inevitably have a loss“, he says.”But it comes in a period that is not the strongest, so the loss will be less. OI expected worse, if only a curfew or gauges again, so it’s a lesser evil.

I follow protocol like any establishment boss and client, but we’re all a little fed up.

Fabrice Gérard, manager of “Industry”

In terms of bars and cafes, it is also the misunderstanding that prevails. Fabrice Gérard, manager of the café-restaurant “The Industry”, expresses his fed up with having to regularly modify the protocol to be followed.

It annoys me a bit because the measurements change regularly. Standing, seated, I don’t really see the difference. There, we will be able to consume sitting at the bar, but not standing. I follow protocol like any establishment owner and client, but we are all a little fed up with it.

It’s a fact that people have gotten used to no longer being at the counter.

Jannick Lombard, manager of “La Comédie”

For Jannick Lombard, manager of “La Comédie”, this measure will definitely discourage customers from settling in at the counters.

We saw during these few months that the customers still remained seated“, he laments.”It’s a fact that people have gotten used to no longer being at the counter. La Comédie is really an old affair, we have people who have been coming for 25-30 years to drink their coffee. Now they don’t even ask if they can take a seat at the bar. In my opinion, we have lost a certain number of customers.

If they are the main affected, cinemas, bars and cafes are not the only ones where the bans will take effect. It will also be forbidden to eat on the trains, again from January 3.

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