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a Legion of Honor which “rewards all the nursing staff” of the CHU

This is a desire clearly displayed in the preamble to the list of promoted to the Legion of Honor: among the distinguished people this year, more than half are professionals who have been involved since the start of the health crisis. Several Côte-d’Oriens were awarded this January 1, such as Didier Honnart, the doctor who was in charge of the emergency department at Dijon CHU during the crisis. He is also secretary of the Regional Order of Physicians in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and he believes that with this medal, it is in fact his entire team that is rewarded.

Didier Honnart explains that he is very touched and very proud of this award: “I am very attached to the values ​​of the republic. It is a recognition that goes straight to my heart but that I wish to share with the teams. We are rewarded for giving a lot during the crisis and this is the case for other doctors, nurses, orderlies, AESH, etc. I receive the reward because I was the coordinator of the service but the whole team is rewarded ”

Like him, several teachers, doctors and department heads of the Dijon University Hospital or the Semur-en-Auxois hospital were promoted to knights of the Legion of Honor on Friday. This is also the case with Director of the Regional Health Agency Pierre Pribile, or the president of the association of mayors of Côte-d’Or Ludovic Rochette or the CEO of SEB at Accordinggey.

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