The day was exhausting but rich in lessons. Arrived for some since last Thursday at Porte de Versailles, high school students from the La Cazotte establishment, in Saint-Affrique, thus had the heavy responsibility of managing, in particular, the general competition for sheep.
“We are more used to working with our Lacaune ewes than with larger ewes, such as Suffolks, those with black heads”, slips Anthony. Just like his other comrades, the high school student had to handle hundreds of sheep in order to allow the good performance of the various competitions that punctuate the Agricultural Show. “For examplecontinues Anthony, we were there for the presentation of the 100 years of the Ile-de-France breed. There were nearly 150 sheep to handle!”
“It’s not only enriching, but it also allows us to discuss their practices with other breeders, to see breeds of sheep that we know little about and which are rare, explains Manon. For example, we talked to a Corsican breeder. There is a world between him and us, but livestock is also rich in diversity. “
A Lotoise elected best shepherdess in France
In parallel with the logistical organization of the various competitions, the high school students of the agricultural establishments also have their own competition. This year, the 17th edition of the Ovinpiades brought together 750 young people aged 16 to 24 following training (Capa to BTS) in one of the 100 agricultural establishments.
At the end of the 19 territorial selections, 40 young shepherds, including 14 girls, came to win the national title of Best Young Shepherd. Moreover, the young Lotoise Marie Delpech, from the agricultural school of Vinadie in Figeac, was elected best young shepherdess in France. The first Aveyronnais arrived in 10th place (Vivian Battu, from La Roque high school) and 33rd (Mélanie Medard, La Cazotte).