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A leading endometriosis specialist at Tenon hospital accused of violence by several patients

He was considered a great spawn in his field, that of endometriosis, but several of his patients rather describe a doctor with brutal practices. The head of the endometriosis center at Tenon hospital, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, is targeted by an internal investigation after several reports of former patients, reveal this Thursday, September 23, our colleagues from France Info. These victims denounce, in particular to the media Flush, verbal and physical violence, and in particular sexual assault.

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Professor Émile Daraï is considered in the community as one of the great Parisian specialists in endometriosis, this gynecological disease from which one in ten French people suffers and which is linked to the presence of cells of uterine origin outside the uterus. . But for several days, on the Twitter account “Stop Obstetric and Gynecological Violence”, former patients as well as medical students denounce the practices of the professor.

“I won’t forget that. We don’t forget that stuff.”

During a consultation, it is “arrived and directly inserted a speculum in an extremely violent way, without lubricant, without anything“Says a former patient. She came to consult Professor Daraï after having been operated on for severe endometriosis from which she suffered serious after-effects. She explains that she experienced an extremely brutal medical appointment:”I scream I feel the crack I have right now tearing apart I know I’m bleeding“. After this consultation, in 2014 she alerted the Order of Physicians as well as the Tenon Hospital:”When you penetrate a woman without her consent, (…) it is called sexual assault. The doctor’s gesture is therefore particularly shocking and his practices question me about his ethics.“she wrote in the mail.”Nothing in my medical history has equaled the violence of the rectal examination imposed by Mr. Daraï“She adds. She also had to undergo a new operation to repair her multiple cracks, which she says were caused by the examination of the Parisian professor. The latter denies the facts. In a letter he has sent to this former patient, he assures on the contrary that her clinical examination is “always practiced with delicacy and unidigital“.

But this woman is not the only one to denounce the practices of Professor Daraï. Other patients have testified to Franceinfo of pressure they claim to have been subjected to by the doctor to accept an operation. Accusations confirmed by several medical students via the Twitter account “Stop obstetric and gynecological violence”. “I wanna cry because I realize I just witnessed a rape“, moved a medical student.”This same guy has fun with anal candles in sleeping patients for their advanced ovarian cancer surgery, exclaiming that some are not used to having anal sex.“writes another student.

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Several reports received by the AP-HP, the professor denies the facts

The departmental council of the Order of Physicians in Paris told franceinfo that it had received three reports in 2014 concerning Professor Émile Daraï. “No patient wished to continue the process“, he explains. The Public Assistance of Paris hospitals confirms for its part to have received five reports, “in particular a lack of information about examinations carried out during gynecology consultations” and “four resulted in a mediation proposal“. A joint internal investigation will be carried out by the Tenon hospital and the faculty of medicine of Sorbonne University where the professor teaches. Émile Daraï informed, via the AP-HP,”disputes the facts of which he is accused and challenges comments he considers defamatory“.

These facts, these accusations relayed on social networks, Danielle Simonnet was moved on his website. The Paris councilor, elected from the 20th arrondissement, announces that she will defend at the next arrondissement council, on September 27, the wish “that the City of Paris, president of the supervisory board of the AP-HP intervene in favor of an investigation by the AP-HP into the alleged facts of gynecological violence in the gynecology department of the Tenon hospital“. A wish that she also intends to defend at the Paris Council on October 12, 13, 14 and 15.

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