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A lawyer explains the leaked Supreme Court document on abortion | Videos | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

the right toabortion in the united states whatso likely it isbecome a reality andwith various protestsactivists fromCalifornia this Tuesday, after theleak of a draft of thesupreme court, where it reflectsthe intentions of five judgespreservatives to removeright to abortion in statesUnited.[habla en ingés]the document was written byjudge samuel alito with the ideato end the law roe vs.wade of 1973, to ensureabortion to womenpee, even though it’s just atentative project,definitive.>> the draft is not law, thedraft is not a decisionfinal.it’s just the firstversion that can change, that’s itsubject to change and revision.Andrea: but the very idea oftermination of pregnancy hasmobilized men and womenwas to express their disagreement.>> the important thing is that thisstill not legal.we can stop itit’s ridiculous that a group ofmen have so much power overthe body of a woman.andrea: the governor ofcalifornia has spoken out forcontinue to protect the rightsof women in the state,no matter what is decidedin the supreme court.>> california continued withtheir own laws, there was nofederal framework, but allit was by state decision.Andrea: for his part, therepublican governor ofOklahoma signed one todaysimilar abortion banto that of Texas, ensuring thatwants oklahoma to be thestate provided with the pis.It should be noted that currently23 states already have lawsthat limit access to thisprocess. at least 13to restrict it once thehighest court rules onregard.conservative groupsdraft to groupsleft, fucking themwant to destabilizejudicial system.We invite you to place thecell phone camerain this code that is inscreen.will take you directly to ouráginaunivisón 3d cuatro.com

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