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A large-scale police operation in Plovdiv checks houses, shops and people

A large-scale special operation is underway on the territory of RU-Asenovgrad. It started at 7 this morning and is aimed at overall provision of public order and road safety, prevention and fight against domestic crime and prevention of possible violations of the law, Plovdiv police reported.

The specialized operation involves employees of the regional administration, Plovdiv economic police department and police special forces sectors, special tactical actions and traffic police and area gendarmerie department. Representatives from TD NRA, Customs Agency, Regional Directorate of Food Safety and Regional Directorate of Forestry are also included.

The joint teams are checking private addresses, businesses, cars and people on the territory of the outer districts and hamlets of Asenovgrad, Sadovo and the villages of Bolyartsi and Boyantsi, and by the end of the action other settlements will also be included in their range.

The interim results of the operation will be provided at a briefing later in the day by ODMVR Director and Deputy Director – Plovdiv Senior Commissioner Vasil Kostadinov and Commissioner Radoslav Nachev.

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